72. He's your teacher (Michael)

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You were late for class. You weren't having a good day and you just wanted the day to be over. You walked in class and hear a teacher talking but didn't look at him.

"Welcome" He said and you look up at him and freeze

"Uh..hi" You say and he gives a wink before going back to talking

   Through out the class, you would have to catch yourself from staring at the sub as he talked to kids

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   Through out the class, you would have to catch yourself from staring at the sub as he talked to kids. You were given work and soon raised your hand, needing help.

"Yes Ms. (Y/L/N)" He asks looking up from his phone

"Can you help me with something?" You ask an he nods an gets up and walks to your seat. As he got closer, you got nervous


"I uh..I don't get number one" You say, looking at your paper and feel him almost hovering over you

   Michael explained you the question and walked you through it. Once you got the hang of it, he went back to the desk. Out of nowhere, he just starts laying on the desk and the kids laugh as he starts goofing off.

   After class, you were told to stay. Michael sat on the desk while you were in your seat. You pack your things up and look up at Michael.

"Are you okay Ms. (Y/L/N)?" He asked

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" You asked and he got up and put his hands on your desk and looked at you

"You just seem...nervous. Do I make you nervous?" He asked and you look from his eyes to his lips then back to his eyes

"Y-you intimidate me" You say and he give a little smirk

"Why is that?" He asked a leaning in a little closer

"I-I gotta get to my next class" You say and stand up and he does the same and he towers over you


"Here, I'll write you a pass" He said and you nodded

"Since you were late, your teacher is out sick and she won't be back till next week" He said and you mentally sigh

"See you tomorrow Mr. Clifford"

"Call me Michael"

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