Chapter 1: An odd job

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-(3rd Person P.O.V.)-
Tired and bored out of his mind, Phil climed the stairs with what little strength he had left. His previous job had just left him absoloutly exhausted and all he wanted to do right now was take a LONG sleep.
Fumbling with the keys with his his right hand and his left clutching the rather large gash on his right side he finaly opened the door to his apartment and staggered inside, locking the door and colapsing onto his couch.
Laying there for a moment as he regained his strength, Phil got up and made his way to the bathroom. When in there he disinfected and stiched his wound, and took a shower whilst fighting his exhaustion.
Finally laying down on his bed, Phil almost instantly fell into a deep sleep.

Afew hours had passed, and Phil was awakened by a knock at his door. Still tired, Phil decided to ignore the knock at his door, it was probably just some drunk, they're common in this area. Not a minute had passed when there was another knock, followed by another and another. Pissed of Phil swung his legs over the side of the bed, not even bothering to put pants on, grab the machette under his matress and charged straight for the door.

-(Phil's P.O.V.)-
Whoever the fuck is knocking at my door in the middle of the fucking night better have a good fucking reason.

"ALRIGHT WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!" I yelled holding my weapon at the ready, hearing my neighbours complaining about the noise.

The man at my door is awfully silent and he's holding a folded peice of paper in front of me. The guys realy suspicious, his heads down and he's wearing a hood so I cant see his face. I grab the not off him, look down to unfold it and read it.
It's a job description? Who the fuck hires a mercinary at this time of night. I look back up at the man to find him already making his way down the stairs to the apartment.

"HEY WERE ARE YOU GOING!" I yell at him, but he continues down the stairs.

"Well that was weird" I say to myself as I shut the door and made my way back to my bed. I put the note beside my bed and go back to sleep. I'll check it out in the moring.

-(Timeskip 3rd person P.O.V.)-
Phil woke up feeling groggy the next morning. The stab wound on his side still sore, Phil rolled out of bed and got dressed. Walking back to his room he noticed the note next to his bed and remembered the man who came to his door the night before.
Re reading the not Phil got on his laptop and searched up the place the note mentioned.

-(Phil's P.O.V.)-
I checked out the place. It doesnt seem too suspicious, it's at a bar in the downtown area. There'll be lots of people there so it can't be a trick. And I dont think I've pissed anybody off recently for them to want me dead. The reward money's high so I think I'll go check it out.

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