Part Two: Alyssa's P.O.V.

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I sat in class, waiting to finally see Jason. Just ten more minutes.

These past four months with him have been the best in my life, and in two weeks I will be 18. We can finally have sex. Ugh... I know I shouldn't be thinking about that kind of stuff but he's irresistable. HIs nice abs, and big muscles.. Damn... But that's not the only reason why I love him.

He protected me since he first saw me. Always being there when I needed him the most. Jason's treated me better then any guy ever has.

He is my hero!

The bell rang and I got up from my chair. Going to my locker and then straight to the parking lot as I did for the past four months. Jason would be sitting in his Ranger waiting for me. But today was different. Jason was nowhere in sight.

I stood outside waiting. Minute after minute passed, No sign of him anywhere.

Then a silver Toyota pulled up...

The same one I finally escaped from..

The window rolled down, and there he was. 

The sheriff's son.

My abusive ex-boyfriend.


"Need a ride?"

"No, I am waiting for Jason." I replied.

"You're waiting for Soldier boy? Looks like you'll be here a while."


Soldier Boy....

"You're boyfriend, he left this morning." Brandon said. "He drafted out to Venezuela, I do believe."

"You're lying!" I yelled.

Jason would have told me....

"Fine, don't believe me. "Brandon said. "See for yourself."

He threw a folded up piece of paper out the window and drove away.

It blew around in the wind, before I could finally snatch it.

Dearest Alyssa,

I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time, but I could never get the words out. Just before we had met, I enlisted in the Army. If I knew I would end up falling in love, I probably would have not signed that paper. But it's too late. I'll be gone for at least ten months, and I've got six years to serve. I love you with all my heart, and I promise, I will see you soon.

Forever and Always,


I fell to my knees and cried like I had never cried before.

The next morning I never got out of bed. I just kept reading his note over and over. The finally words that he said to me before I went to school echoed through my head.

"I love you, and I promise no matter what happens, I will always be here. See you after school."

He kissed me goodbye and I went on with my day.

I shouldn't have left... This just gives me a reason to hate mondays even more.

"Alyssa," my dad called.

"What?" I held back the tears.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

When ever my dad said 'can i talk to you' he always made things a lot worse, even if he was trying to help. The time he told me my mom died in a car accident, or when he gave me the birds and the bees talk, but the worst of all, when he told me that I had a little brother.

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