Chapter 3

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The next day, Rachel was sobbing her eyes out and Becca was starting to get a little worried about her mom so she made she some scrambold eggs, toast and some orange juice and brought it up to her. "Thank you so much honey!" She said so surprised and happy. "your welcome mommy, love you" I said "Love you to sweetheart." she said. Becca went up to her room and was freaking out and paseing back and forth. "What have I done? What do I do? I'm going to die if I tell mom what I did and I don't really want to go to JDC for killing my own brother!"  I said so scared and nervisly. I want to tell mom but she will fricken kill me! "I loved my brother to death!" I said crying. I went to check on mom in her room. She was asleep on her bed with her pink pj's with purple poke a dots on it. I went outside to take a walk. As I was walking I felt like I saw Ryan out of the corner of my eye. I thought it was kinda creepy but he's in a "better place" now I thought sadly as a tear came down my face. It was a bright hot summer day. I got so hot I stood behind a tree. And read a book to clam me down.

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