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I was about to finish my food when I got a call from Ben. I didn't pick it up because I know he'll probably be rambling about my not stalling this interview. Not that I was planning on doing that anyways.

I threw the dishes  into the sink and turn on the faucet to wash  my hands. Grabbing a juice pack I exit the kitchen, picked up some items  that Ben asked for and left my apartment. 

Hurrying to waiting car at the garage, I mutter a quick good morning to my driver before getting in. It wasn't long before I caught sight of the building. There wasn't any trace of the paparrazi  on the premise and I was very much grateful.  I saw Ben backstage. He was talking to a woman who seemed to be the host with a paper in hand, possibly reviewing the questions. He had to do that always just to make sure that I don't get to be asked too much personal information and leak something out. First off, it could damage my reputation and more importantly my career.

The environment seemed busy as technicians walked up and down the area just to make sure that things were all set. I walk up to Ben who stood at the other end of the room and offered both my greetings.

"Good morning Ben", I said patting him on the back. "And good morning to you ma'am", I smiled, turning to the lady and giving her a kiss on both cheeks.

"Morning Blake", she had replied but I didn't miss the red colour on her cheeks. I knew ladies fawn over me but most times I like to see that as everyday stuff. I don't let it get into my head because it totally means nothing to me. I've never really been into girls and sometimes my friends say I'm gay. But I know deep down that I'm not. I just haven't found the right girl. Or maybe I did. Roxanne probably. Infact, I may have fallen in love with her. But does love at first sight still work in the 21th century? Besides she disliked me a lot, or was it hatred? Gosh, I don't even want to think of it that way. Or maybe.....?

I see a hand waving across my face and I realize that its Ben's. Yeah. I'm not in dreamland. Actually I'm a planet call earth, specifically in a city called California and I'm about to have an interview.

"Are you okay? Or we could reschedule?", he asks with concern written all over his face. He was always watching out for me and proved to be my dad somehow. Even If I could skip this interview I wouldn't do so because so many things were done to get things organized so I won't bail out.

"I'm fine Ben. I may be a little nervous" , I replied. True, I was nervous whenever I had to do this kind of stuff.

"Blake I'm sure you can do this okay! This isn't your first and I'm sure yo can pull true this", he reassured, placing his hands on my shoulder. "Now how about you take a short walk around the area to calm your nerves until I'm done here than we can begin?", he proposed.

"Seems pretty good to me. I'll be back in ten minutes", I say before I stalked off. I really need to clear my head.

celebrity boyfriend

Fifteen minutes after we were back now on stage and going through each questions one after another. I really liked it this way instead of being interviewed on a live show. I get more closure. 

1) What made you pick the dress you are wearing?

Answer: I really hate this dress and so I wore it so everyone can know I hate it and share in the hate festivals. Its the oldest in my closet.

"I really find it cool though. And I'm pretty sure most people love seeing you in blazers. Maybe its the colour or probably the fitting?, the host had commented.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure you'd prefer seeing me in a polo shirt"

"And that too. Okay next question"

2) Who would you take on a date on space and why?

Answer: ''when in space, i'd would rather enjoy the company of astronauts and explore the unexplored rather than wasting my time dating someone whom i can meet on earth itself''.

"You have a good sense of humour. But seriously who?''

I was going to say a certain Roxanne but I thought otherwise because I knew it would lead to another question.
"Whichever girl steals my heart'', I say finally.

"Hmm, we are still waiting''

3) What projects you are currently working on? Which project is going to release first in the coming days?

Answer: ''Nothing much. Just a new song I'm recording which will be out soon.''

"Mind elaborating?"

"Nope. Its a surprise to all my fans out there"

''Okay then''.

4) Which celebrities you believe are the most influential?

Answer: ''There seem to be a lot. There's Dwayne Johnson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Drake, Novak Djokovic, so many more. Everyone has a talent of their own and are able to impact in the lives of people around them''.

5)On what do you spend the most: clothes, accessories, perfumes, underwear, or anything else?

Answer: ''The income tax department might seize all my clothes, accessories, etc., because i spend a fortune on them every weekend. Infact, I have been planning to launch your own brand of apparels and accessories and would rather make people spend on it''.

She laughed at the latter part and I smiled too.

6) Are you a bathroom singer?

Answer: ''what happens behind the closed doors of bathroom, dies there itself. I'd rather not elaborate''.

7) What do you do when not working?

Answer: ''I play tennis and golf and I also spend time with my friends doing fun things together. I'm planning on going surfing this weekend''.

8) Do you believe in love at first sight?

Answer: ''Oh yeah I do. It seems like its magical''. (I certainly do think that way because Roxanne is one example)

9) Where do you think you will be after 25 years?

Answer: ''I might just buy a property on the moon and spend my life there gazing at the sunset with a wonderful wife and lovely kids. But on a more serious note I'm thinking of raising a family later in life''.

"Aww. That's so amazing. You know, it was good having you on the show and I look forward to times like this", she concluded.

"I'm also looking forward to that''.

The show was over and it was finally time to go back home because I'm starting to feel tired and hungry.

Another chapter after what seemed to be like a year. Updates soon. And don't forget to vote and comment. I want tho hear what you think.

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