Sunday Night

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*girls pov*

It's Sunday night. "Are you ready for the party Edith?"
"Not really but whatever, lets go" Edith says
The car ride was silent. Not the uncomfortable silence just the silence where you could tell we were thinking.
Finally Aspyn speaks up "who's party do you think it is..?"
"I-I'm not sure" Edith sounds worried.
The rest of the car ride was silent.

*tyler and josh pov*

"Why are we even going to this lame party?" Tyler asks Josh
"I wanna go" Josh states.
Tyler gives Josh a death stare. Tyler was always the one in charge but secretly he was scared of Josh. Josh was more dominate and would take on anyone in a fight.

As they're in the car, the realized they live pretty close to the party location. The GPS didn't quite pick up the exact location and they thought would it be a building. They were in the woods. They were down in a forest.

Slowly they all arrived in the forest. One by one. They arrived in pairs. Edith and Aspyn.
Luke and Calum.
Michael Ashton. And
Tyler and Josh.
They were all confused as to why they were in the middle of the forest.

"Edith" Aspyn whispered.
"Who are these people?"
Edith didn't reply.

Finally Michael spoke up.
"Hello?" he spoke softly unaware of the new people.
"Who are you guys and why did we all show up here?.."

Out of nowhere there was an extremely loud beeping. Almost like someone pulled a fire alarm. They now were in a large glassed in area. They hear noise. Like tv static. After a few minutes they heard a very faint voice coming from all directions saying "check your back pocket"

Following the command they each pulled out a card with a sing word on it.

What does this mean?

Hey guys okay yes this is somewhat bad but I had a really good idea for this XX

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