Chapter 3

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"SO HE KISSED YOU?" Skylar screamed in my ear.

"Only on the cheek," I copied her obnoxious tone.

She crossed her arms and a serious expression came upon her face.

"I wish Tyler was like that," you could barely hear her. Her eyes got full of sorrow. I ran over to her and whispered comforting words into her ears. She just got out of the hospital yesterday and was acting a little jittery.

"Well im uh glad you had a good time.I uh guess im gonna go home'' she stuttered.

"You can spend the night here if you want?"

"No im fine. See you tomorrow." the door slamed shut and with that she was gone.

I jumped into my pajamas and sat in bed thinking.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar ringtone filled the bedroom air.

I walked over to my phone and answered it.


A voice as cruel and horrid as death replied.

"Hello, Niki" the voice was raspy and sounded like it was gargling nails.

"Hello James." I tried to stay calm but my heart was beating fast and my palms were getting sweaty.

"How is Tyler?" I could almost hear him smirking. Horrid arse.

"Why does it matter," anger slowly made its way into my voice.

"Answer my question or you will regret living!" he hissed.

"I already do" I muttered quietly so he couldn't hear hear.

"Do I have to ask you again?" he answered with impatience clear in his tone.

"He is doing fine" I whispered through clenched teeth.

"Good. I hope you take good care of him, if not I might have to... well you of all people should know." his laugh burned the inside of my ears.

"Is that all you wanted to say James" I tried to hold back my nervousness, but I don't think I was doing well at it.

"No. I also wanted to tell you to know that you will pay for what you did" he hung up, making my heart beat faster than the wind. I fell against the wall as I choked down the tears.

"I will be ok, I will be ok" I whispered. My mind replayed James' threat over and over again.

"I will be fine" I muttered it over and over until i started to drift asleep


The sunlight creeped through the small cracks of my windows. Rubbing my eyes, I reached over to my bedside table and checked the time.

7:05 am

A loud groan escaped my mouth.  I sleepily scrolled through my phone for new messages. My heart stopped when I saw the first one.

You will pay~ James

I remebered what happened. I sighed and tried to put the thoughts in the back of my mind. Today was going to be a horrible day. I looked at my next message.

'Hey Nicole! Wanna hang out at my place tonight? :)' -TheSexyNiallHoran

I giggled at the name he put for himself. 

"Sure," i responded

'k ill pick you up around 8', he texted back. 

I got up and put on a pair  of shorts with a pink-striped crop top. I quickly threw on some mascara and shiny lip gloss before I walked out of the house. My mind was still clouded with the whole James situation. I decided that some fresh air would do me well.

As I was walking around the neighborhood, I heard a cry for help. I quickly ran over to a girl with black curly hair and olive skin. She waas being crushed under a pile of boxes. I guess she Is moving into the new house across the street.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I picked up some of the boxes and helped her up. She was wearing a black blouse with jeans and had a cheerful smile.

"Yeah Im fine, just a bit clumsy" she laughed."Im Nadine" she announced as she flung out her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Im Nicole" I gave her a smile and shook her hand. I decided to help her carry the rest of the boxes to her house. It was beautiful and huge! I wish I lived there.

"So your my new nieghboor?" she asked whilst searching through the nearly empty pantry.

"I guess so" I said laughing. She had offered me to eat lunch with he and I obliged. All she had was some sandwiches, but they were still very good.

"We should hang out this week!" she said cheerfully."We totally should!" I looked down into one of the boxes I brought in earlier and noticed it was full of a band called "One Direction" stuff. A familiar blonde headed boy's face was plastered onto a giant posterboard.

"Who is this?" I said curiously pointing to the boy.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THAT IS!?!"  she screamed making my eardrums throb.

"No, that is why im asking!" I hit her in the shoulder playfully.

"Its Niall Horan duh" I looked at the magazine again and turned completely frozen. My jaw literally dropped to the floor.

"No way," I whispered, " I gotta go see you tomorrow" I rushed out the door. I couldn't believe that he didnt tell me! Anger pulsed through me. I was absolutely shocked.

I was so lost in thought that I didnt realize that i had arrived at my house. There was a familiar car parked in my driveway. I knew who it was right away.

"NICOLE!!" I almost jumped out of my skin as I screamed at the top of my lungs.A low chuckle filled my ears. I turned around to see an adorable blonde haired boy standing on the grass laughing his head off.

I ran over to him and tackled him onto the ground. We fell with a thud and I poked him in the stomach.

"STOP THAT TICKLES!!" he yelled. He flipped me onto my back and all of a sudden the sprinklers turned on and water splattered us from all directions.

I layed there and giggled at his shocked expression. We stayed there and stared into eachother's eyes  for what seemed like an eternity. He slowly leaned in placing his soft lips onto mine. Fireworks exploded in the pit of my stomach.

Our first real kiss.

We just layed there in the grass, letting the speakers soak us until he picked me up and slowly took me to his car bridal style. I looked in the mirror and laughed when I saw a wet brown haired girl in front of me. My makeup was slightly smeared but was fixable and my curls were all tangled.  Niall got in the car and gave me a bright blue towel.

"Where did you get this?" I wiped my hair and  body down so I wouldnt get his car wet.

"I always keep a spare towl in the trunk" I handed him the towl back and he wrapped it around his head. He looked like a complete idiot.

"What? You don't like it?" he said pointing at the top off his head, shaking it as the end of the towel swished around him.

I shook my head and pulled it over his eyes.

"Hey I cant see!" his laugh made me giggle.

I just remembered that I was meaning to ask him something.

"Why didnt you tell me you were in One Direction?"

Silence.... That was all i heard......Silence

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