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I woke up in a unknown room it looked like it was a boys room it smelled good in here

I got up from the bed and roamed the room a little i didn't notice I was wearing a big shirt and different pants until I stood I front of a mirror

I turned around when someone opened the door it was Wyatt he's the one who helped me and said sorry I thought he hated me

"Oh your awake...?" He said kinda nervous
"Um... Yeah did you change my clothes?" I ask looking down
"Yeah I didn't look at anything I swear!" He claimed
"Alright.... Who shorts are these?"
"They're my sisters you looked her size so I asked her for some pants......" He said

Wow he's actually has a good side to him

" thanks I guess..." I said
"Um well I cleaned your bruises and scars and things" he pointed out I started to tear up

"Why...." I ask
" hey Aria.... Don't cry I know you have all the reasons to but don't give Nolan the satisfaction that he made you cry" he said coming over to me
"It hurt so bad I couldn't stop it.." I was bawling my eyes out
"Hey hey... Come here" I sat in his lap while her rubbed my back

I just sat there and cried into his shoulder he was actually helping me calm down he's helping me but why did he feel bad or something

"Why are you helping me?" I asked
"I never wanted to hurt you I just went along with it so I didn't get pushed around too" he said
"Oh... So you let me get pushed around instead" I say getting out of his lap
"No it's not like that I swear" he stated
"Then what's it like!!" I was mad now
"I just like you and if Nolan ever found out that he would pick on me so much I would have to move again" he said kinda sadly
"What do you mean?" I asked not knowing what he meant
" Nolan likes you that's why he picks on you!" He kinda yelled
"W..hat...." I couldn't even believe this
"Yes Aria, Nolan Jacobs the schools player likes you but can't admit it"
" I gotta go...." I couldn't think right now

I walked out of his room into my car what the fuck is going on I don't get what's this is but I'm not gonna think about it

I walk into my house setting my keys and bag down Maybe Wyatt was messing with my head maybe neither of them like me

I walk into the kitchen and grab a water and some chips and go up to my room

I turn on my tv and watch teen wolf I'm obsessed with this show and forever will be Dylan O'Brien is Bae always

I don't know if my sister was home or not so I just texted her to see

(A=Aria, Bestfrin🍑❤️= Vanessa)
A- hey you home?
Bestfrin🍑❤️- yeah in my room why?
A- wanna go to Taco Bell
BestFrien🍑❤️- yeah sure wanna drive?
A- yeah I guess meet you out there
Bestfrien🍑❤️- kk
(End of convo)

I was still in Wyatt's shirt but fuck it I'm only going to Taco Bell

Me and my sister both walk out of ours rooms at the same time we laugh at each other and walk downstairs together

I grab my keys off the counter and head out the door to my car

"Ari not to bid into your personal life but who's shirt are you wearing " my sister asks laughing
"Uh... It's Wyatt's...." I say softly
"What!" My sister yells in my ear looking at me
"You mean the same Wyatt that picks on you at school!" My sister asks
"Yeah... That one. He never really picks on me he just stands in the back" I say not making a big deal about the situation
"Tell me you don't like him?" He says looking dead at me
"Okay so I won't tell you" I say being a smart ass as always
"Omg.... You like your bully" my sister says
"It's not that big of a deal I've always liked him" I say
"What! And I'm now just hearing about this!" She says sitting back him her seat
"Yeah. Cause I knew you'd freak out like you are now" I say truthfully
"Okay we'll don't get attached" is all she says

The rest of the car ride which was about 1 minute was mostly singing to Beyoncé

I pull up to Taco Bell and lock my car and walk in to only see the five boys you bully me

"Ugh...." I say under my breath
"What.....oh" my sister says once she notices what I'm looking at
"Just ignore them" she say grabbing my hand and walking up to the counter

"Hi I would like a number 2 please" my sister says sweetly
"And I would like 2 soft tacos and a Baja blast please" I say sweetly
"Alright that will be $12.42"
I payed him and waited for my drink

He finally headed me my drink and our food I found my sister and set the food down

"Uh Aria don't look now but dick head Nolan is on his way over here" she says I try not to look back and continue to eat my food till I hear his annoying voice

"Well look who we have here miss run my mouth a lot" he laughed
"Will you shut up Nolan!" I silently yell at him
"Why don't you make" he said crouching down
"You couldn't make me stop after school now could you" he said truthfully not giving a fuck that my sister was listening
"Shut up" I said tearing up
"No!" He yelled in my face

Until my sister jumped in
"Okay first off big mouth who the fuck do you think you are talking to my sister like that? Learn some manners and second I will gladly make you shut the fuck up with my fists unlike my sister I'm not scared of you in any way! And third of all why don't you fuck off like my sister said instead of bothering her out of school!" My sister was standing up in front of Nolan's face
"Whatever bye bitches" Nolan walked off flipping us off

My sister sat back down and grunted

"I don't know how you can stand him? And do you wanna tell me what happened after school today?" She asks
"Well.... You see Elija kinda grabbed me and pulled me behind the school after everyone left and all the boys were there and Nolan punched me first and then threw me on the ground and then Carlos started to kick me in the ribs and then Elija punched me in the back and then Nolan punched me again then I blacked out and Wyatt picked me up and took me to his house and cleaned me up!" I said

"Okay that's it! Let's go give me your keys!" She got up and threw her stuff away and grabbed my hand and got in the car I followed her actions and got in on the passenger side

I have no idea what's she's gonna do......



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