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- Sept. is also an abbreviation for September which is my birthday month ;) -


I woke up to the sun shining brightly through my window and onto my face. I squinted my eyes as I tried to adjust to the bright lights. Today, me and Callie were going to the mall to redo my whole makeover. Callie had found out the day she took me to the hospital that I cut and flushed all my blades down the toilet - the water ended up being very bloody.

I got out of bed and stretched making a weird inhuman noise in the process. As I was about to start walking I started to get a little dizzy, so I held onto my nightstand for support. After I was stable I walked to my bathroom and took a long bath. As I was in the tub, I started thinking. Why did this happen to me? What did I do to deserve this? We used to be best friends.. what happened?

I soon got out and went to my closet with my towel wrapped around my waist. I looked through my closet until I found an outfit. I picked out a par of grey stretch-cotton tapered sweatpants, a DREAMER printed polyester sweatshirt & my old beat-up black Converse. I put that on after putting on my black Calvin Klein's.

I put my Converse to the side, did my makeup in my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I just did eyeliner around my eyes since I don't know how to make wings and 2 thick coats of mascara. I gave a quick tight smile in the mirror and walked out my room, locking it. I walked down the stairs and got out a pan, spatula, butter, eggs, bread, bacon, waffles, strawberries & blueberries.

I made 2 over easy eggs on wheat toast, 10 pieces of bacon & 2 regular Eggo waffles. I topped the waffles with maple syrup, strawberries and blueberries. I left out a waffle, 5 pieces of bacon and an over easy egg on wheat toast out for Callie. And just to be sure the boys saw it; I placed the microwave top over top of it with 'CALLIE' written in my neat handwriting on top.

I washed my dish and loaded it into the dishwasher. I filled the soap in the little slits and closed the dishwasher. I set up the type of wash on the control panel and pressed the green button labeled 'START'. I wiped my mouth with a napkin and turned around from the sink. I jumped in fear as I saw Jack ad his friends walk into the kitchen.

They all stopped and looked at the plate that I set out for Callie. "Who's this for?" Jack asked pointing to the plate.

"Callie." I said simply putting my napkin in the trash, the boys watching my every move.

"Where's our food?" He asked, gesturing to him and the boys. I chuckled before putting my hair in a ponytail.

"I'm not your maid; I don't cook for you." I said seriously looking at Jack with my hand on my hip. "And you can't make me." I don't know where all this confidence came from; but wherever came it from, I like it. He walked over to me and just stood there looking at me. He raised his hand and I slightly flinched looking away.

"KYLE!!" I heard Callie scream running down the stairs. It sounded like a bunch of horses.

"Callie don't ru-" Before I could even finish the sentence, she came tumbling down the stairs. "Oh." Laugh. "My." Laugh. "God!" Laugh.

"Are you okay?!" I said in between laughs, while still laughing at her. I came and helped her up as she flipped me off. "Love you too."

"Oh shut the fuck up. You've fell down the stairs too." She said glaring at me. I immediately stopped laughing as my face turned emotionless.

"I didn't fall down the stairs." I paused. "I was pushed." I finished the sentence looking at Jack who looked away whistling. Callie turned nd glared at Jack before looking at me.

"You ready?" She asked grabbing her car keys.

"Yeah. Oh wait! I made you breakfast." I smiled at her going into the kitchen and taking the cover off the plate. "Here." I placed it in front of her as she instantly began eating.

"I'll be back!" I yelled down at her as I went to my room and put on my Converse. I ran down the stairs and ended up tripping. But I was quick and basically did a front flip into the kitchen. I casually walked in like nothing happened and grabbed a water bottle taking a big swig out of it.

"I'm ready!" Callie said excitedly as she put her plate in the sink.

"LEGGO!" I yelled as we walked out the door and to my jeep. We got in and buckled up. Callie started the engine and we were off to Omaha Mall.

☁hiiiiiii  XP

☄long chapter

💕peace out, bitchessss!!!

☁this chapter is 6 words longer than the last one

word count: 846

device: Dell Computer

time: 8:53pm

battery percentage: 100%



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