Chapter 2: What Firewhiskey Does

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A day before the two week Christmas vacation, the Slytherins decided to throw a Christmas party. Some people snuck into the kitchen and stole food and firewhiskey. Most of the Gryffindors joined in too, except for a few girls, including Hermione and Ginny.

Everyone got so drunk from the firewhiskey. I managed to find my way back to my room. I walked into the room to find Draco in his underwear, sitting on his bed. He was also very drunk.

"Hey Potter. I've been waiting for you." He pulled me down on the bed and kissed me. He pushed me down and straddled me and started to unbutton my shirt. I was now kissing him on the neck. I helped him kick of his boxers while he worked at my pants. He finally got my pants and boxers off. He grinded his body against mine and pushed his pelvis into mine. I groaned. We flipped over and I did the same thing to him, but harder and faster. He groaned very loudly.


I woke up having no memories of the night before. I looked beside me and saw a naked Draco lying there. I jumped out and wrapped a blanket around my waist. Draco woke up and realized what had happened. He went white. "But wh-. Did we... oh no," I said. "Do not tell... anyone," Draco said as I quickly found some clothes and left.

I met up with Hermione, Ginny, and Ron in the Great Hall just before Hermione and Ron were leaving for Christmas. They were going on a romantic trip by themselves for Christmas. So it's just going to be me and Ginny.

They were talking, but I wasn't paying much attention. I was thinking about what me and Draco did. Were we really that drunk? I also had a headache from all the firewhiskey I drank.

"Harry, Harry, HARRY! Are you okay?" Hermione asked. "Oh, yea I'm fine. I'm just... tired," I lied. "Ok, well we were talking about who's staying and who's leaving for Christmas. You and Ginny are the only Gryffindors that are staying. Luna is the only Ravenclaw and I don't know about Hufflepuffs. And for Slytherin, well Draco's the only one, sorry Harry. You might be stuck with Draco for Christmas. But you guys have been nicer to each other lately," Hermione said.

"Well, were very close for a while, he was telling me things, actually having civilized conversations, but we kinda had a, er, fight kinda this morning. ," I said. "That's too bad," Hermione said. Ginny looked suspicious. This sucks. I was hopping he would leave during Christmas Break because I need time to settle down after our little excursion. What am I going to do now? Just try and forget that one night we were sitting on top of eachother, naked, making out, with our cocks hanging about? Forget losing your virginity to your enemy? I think not!


Ginny and I said goodbye to Hermione and Ron, and went on a walk around the lake. After a while, "Uh, Ginny, I need to talk to you about something. Let's stop at the tree," I said as we walked over to our favorite tree and sat down.

"What is it Harry?" Ginny asked. "I don't know how to say this, but I don't think we can be together anymore," I said. Ginny gasped. I expected her to cry, but she didn't. "You found out, didn't you! Dammit Hermione!" Ginny said. "Found out what?" "Oh, er, um, nevermind about that right now. Why do you want to break up?" said Ginny.

"I, er, think I'm, er, turning gay," I said, feeling my cheeks burn up. "That's great! I'm mean, um, oh," Ginny said. "Gin, is there something you need to tell me?" I asked suspiciously. "Ok fine. I thought that Hermione that let slip that... " I couldn't hear what she said. "That what?" "That I like Luna."

"Is that why you were kinda avoiding me all summer?" I asked. "Yea. So, what guy is making your gay senses tingle?" She asked. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but Draco Malfoy." And I told her the story about him coming out of the shower, and him helping me with potions, and when we were both drunk. She was a little shocked about the last one, but she kept her cool.

"But, what do I do?" I asked. "What do you mean?" She responded. "I mean we can't just go back to the way things were. I can't just waltz in there and pretend it didn't happen," I said. "Maybe if you sit down and talk about it with him. He has to be as shocked as you are. I know it's not Ideal, but what else are you going to do? You can't just avoid him. You live with him for god's sake, and He is the only Slytherin and were the only Gryffindors. Just try to talk with him tonight," said Ginny. "Thank you so much Ginny."


That night Ginny and I were sitting in the Slytherin common room chatting when Draco walked in. "Hello Ginny," he said. "Hey," Ginny said. Draco noticed me and quickly walked to our room without saying another word. "Harry, go up and talk to him now," Ginny said. "But..." "You'll do fine. Now go."

I slowly got up and walked to our room. I open the door. Draco was sitting on his bed. Thankfully clothed. Thankfully not drunk. "Oh, uh, Harry. I was just, uh, getting ready to take a shower," Draco said, blushing while he started to get up. "Draco, wait. Sit down." He obeyed.

"I know, I know, this is very awkward, but we have to get over it. We live with each other, and we are like the only people here from Gryffindor and Slytherin besides Ginny that stayed. It was a silly thing we did when we were drunk. It doesn't mean anything and we can forget it all happened," I said. I put my hand out to shake on it. "Let's go back to being frie... close acquaintance with out anything between us and our f-friendship?" I was blushing, A LOT.

While I was giving that minispeach, Draco's eyes absentmindedly traveled to my crotch area. Does this mean that Malfoy is gay? Oh my. The thought of that... it's probably not true. Then he moved his eyes to my hand when I stuck it out. He grabbed it and shook.


"I bet if you went to talk to her she would understand. Even if she doesn't like you, she would understand, it's Luna!" I said to Ginny, on the night before Christmas eve. "Yea, but..." "I tried the whole talking thing and it worked." "But this is different." "Not really." In the end, I one over the argument.

When she left, Draco walked into the common room. "I've got an idea. Tomorrow we should celebrate. After all, It's Christmas Eve tomorrow," he said. "You Slytherins and your celebrations," I said. He chuckled. I made him laugh!
"Anyway, I thought we could just have a mini party. You, me, Ginny, maybe Luna if Ginny wants. Speaking of Ginny, what's wrong with her? When I passed her in the corridor, she looked a mixture of mad and scared." "She's looking for Luna. She wants to tell Luna her feelings for her. I made her go and talk to her and she's very scared," I responded.

"You and Ginny are not a thing anymore?!" Draco asked, way too excitedly. He blushed a little. "No we aren't. We broke up a couple days ago. Ginny had her Luna thing and I had my..." I was almost going to say 'my gay thing' or 'my Draco thing', but I stopped myself. I realized that I am talking to Draco. "Well, point is, we kind of drifted apart, but were friends now." "Wow. And here I thought you guys were perfect together. Anyway, dinner's about to start. Care to join me in walking to the Great Hall." "Why not."

We walked in silence. Draco looked like he was thinking hard about something and I didn't want to bother him. We pushed opened the door and sat in front of Luna and Ginny at the long table they had set out for the couple of people that stayed.

No matter how much people there are at Hogwarts, they always give us so much food. When Draco and Luna were distracted with their food, I mouthed to Ginny, 'Can we discuss your guy's relationship around Draco?' She mouthed back, 'Well I'm going to have to be able to talk around Malfoy if you two ever become an Item.' 'Were not going to be an item!'

"So, Ginny, you've been hanging around Luna this evening?" I asked, smiling. "Yes. You wouldn't believe what happened. We became a thing," Ginny responded. "Wow, that's amazing!" I said. Draco quietly clapped so he wouldn't draw attention.

"We were thinking, Harry, sense Ron hates Luna pretty much and he would hate to see his friend break up with his sister, that we could pretend that we are still dating in public, but actually be dating other people. That means that you could still jump on that one person you like, but not go public." She winked and I rolled my eyes.

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