Im ded again

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As BTS exited the stage after their first ever MAMA performance with Block B, everyone was in a generally great mood. On the way back to the dressing room, the members of both groups walked together, laughing and congratulating each other on their shared stage. Suga was high-fiving Namjoon when he saw Jimin lagging behind everyone else with a dark expression on his face. The rapper was immediately concerned, but also didn't want to draw everyone's attention in case Jimin didn't want it to be noticed.

"Jimin-ah! Hyung's thirsty, come look for something to drink with me!" He said, giving Jimin a 'don't argue with me' look as he led the dancer away from the rest of the group. They wandered through corridors for a while before finding one that was empty.

"So..." Yoongi started "What's eating you?" Jimin looked up suddenly as if he had been a million miles away when the rapper had spoken.

"... It's nothing..." He muttered quietly with a subtle head-shake. Yoongi just arched an eyebrow at him and remained silent. He wasn't just going to let Jimin brood, that never ended well for anybody. Jimin let out a frustrated sigh when it became obvious that Yoongi wasn't going to let it drop. "I messed up, okay?" Suga frowned at that.

"What? How?" He questioned, not knowing what Jimin was referring to.

"Taking off my jumper... It took too long and I messed up the timing of the shirt-rip..." Jimin stared at the floor angrily as he spoke and Yoongi couldn't help but bark out a laugh, making the dancer look up in confusion.

"Jimin-ah, do you honestly think anybody was paying attention to your timing at that point?!" Jimin looked slightly offended and Yoongi quickly attempted to clarify. "No, I didn't mean they weren't paying attention to you... Believe me, everybody was definitely paying attention to that... I meant they'd be a tiny bit distracted by the fact you're not wearing a shirt." Yoongi couldn't stop himself from glancing down at Jimin's still-exposed torso as he spoke, eyes tracing over his toned abdomen before forcing himself to look away.

Had Yoongi been looking at Jimin's face, he would have seen a devilish smirk force its way onto his face before the dancer schooled his features back into an almost-pout.

"But hyung it was so obvious! And it's not like I'm even that distracting!" He whined childishly. Yoongi looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?! Of course you're distracting! You're so-" Yoongi stopped himself from finishing that sentence, cursing his own lack of self-control.

"I'm so what, hyung?" Jimin said, acting innocent and curious. Suga quickly attempted to escape this situation.

"Oh, I think I saw a coffee machine down this way earlier!" The rapper attempted to leave rapidly, before he felt a hand on his wrist. When he turned around, Jimin was staring up at him through his eyelashes and slowly stepping into Yoongi's personal space.

"What, hyung? What am I?" Jimin's voice was husky and Yoongi finally snapped, shoving Jimin into the nearest wall and grapping the collar of his jacket.

"You're hot, you brat!" Yoongi growled before capturing Jimin's smug smirk in a bruising kiss. "So... fucking... hot..." The rapper spoke between urgent kisses, happily invading Jimin's mouth with his tongue when the dancer opened his mouth. Jimin whimpered needily into his mouth and Yoongi's hands found themselves tracing the abs he'd spent so long thinking about. Yoongi had fantasised about doing exactly this, with his hand wrapped around his own cock in the shower, more times than he could count and now that it was actually happening, he wasn't about to waste any time.

He felt Jimin's hands at his hips, attempting to pull them closer together, and he happily complied, slotting one leg between Jimin's and moving closer so that his boner was pressed against Jimin's thigh, moaning deep in his throat when he felt Jimin's own length against his leg. He moved his hands down to grope Jimin's ass through his jeans, creating a slow rhythm of thrusts against each other.

Yoongi knew he wasn't going to last long; he was far too worked up to hold out, so he focused all of his effort on bringing Jimin to the same level of arousal, luckily the younger boy didn't seem to be too far behind. Yoongi removed his mouth from Jimin's to begin working his way down his throat, licking and sucking until he found a particularly sensitive spot that he gently teased with his teeth before soothing it with his tongue; loving the quiet noises Jimin was making as he bit his lip in an attempt not to be too loud.

"Fuck, Jimin-ah..." Yoongi moaned; surprised at the shiver it elicited from the dancer, before realising the kid must have a thing for dirty talk. He grinned against his tanned skin before continuing. "You're so fucking hot... You have no idea how long I've wanted you..." He brought his hand up to toy with his exposed nipple, rolling it between his fingers and flicking it lightly. "We're gonna do this all the fucking time... Maybe when we go home tonight you can suck me off..." It was a shot in the dark, but he knew he'd hit his mark when Jimin started writhing harder against the wall. "Yeah, bet you'd love that wouldn't you?" Jimin nodded hastily.

"Yes..." Jimin moaned quietly. "Yes, hyung... Wanna suck you so bad." Yoongi cursed quietly as he brought his mouth back to Jimin's and sped up his thrusting. "Fuck, Yoongi-hyung..." Jimin wasn't someone that normally swore, so hearing him speak like that sent a spike of arousal through Yoongi, especially knowing he was the one who caused it. "Gonna-" that was all the warning Yoongi had before the dancer's hips stuttered and his jaw went slack as he released in his pants with a quiet "hyung..."

The look on Jimin's face as he came was enough to send Yoongi over the edge with a choked moan as he continued thrusting through the aftershocks.

For a long moment they stood in silence, panting as they attempted to regain their breath. Were it not for the wall behind Jimin the two of them would have collapsed in a heap on the floor by now. Yoongi's forehead was resting against Jimin's collarbone where his jacket had slipped down off his shoulder, exposing more of his tanned skin. He couldn't help pressing a few light kisses there as he waited for his heart-rate to return to anything even remotely close to normal.

"Fuck..." Jimin said quietly, and Yoongi found this suddenly hilarious, unable to stop his laughter from bubbling up as he pulled back off Jimin, his legs finally able to support him.

"You can say that again..." He spoke, his own voice surprising him with its huskiness. Jimin swallowed thickly at the sound.

"Please tell me you weren't joking about doing that again." His voice was light-hearted but Yoongi could see the doubt in his eyes and quickly leaned in to press a sweet kiss to the dancer's lips.

"Oh, definitely not. There is no way we aren't going to do that again." Jimin smiled in relief and Yoongi couldn't help but return it. The rapper's phone buzzing in his pocket brought him back to reality and he quickly pulled it out to see he had a message.


Hyung! The stylist-noonas are angry! You and Jimin better come back quick!'

"Fuck!" He hadn't noticed how long they'd been there until that point. Jimin looked at his phone to see what all the fuss was about before tutting to himself.

"Brat still won't call me hyung..." Yoongi stared at him like he'd grown a second head.

"Seriously? That's the most important thing about this message?" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Honestly hyung, at this point I really couldn't care less about being shouted at." Suga laughed and pulled his arm around Jimin's shoulders as they headed back to the dressing room.

"Come on you idiot, maybe if we act sorry enough they'll give us a change of underwear without asking too many questions."

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