Chapter 1

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I woke up feeling sick to my stomach with a slight throbbing in my head. My bed cover felt different than it usually feel. I was used to a big plush cover covering me from shoulder to toes, but whatever was on me left my little piggies out in the cold. It felt like I had a bed sheet on me than an actual cover because it was trying to fit on me to my specific size like clothing. I must have had a nightmare. Yeah that was it and I could have thrown off my cover. I rolled over onto my side and frowned. That was weird. I never sleep on my stomach. I rolled over again, but I ended on the cold wooden floor. That was going to hurt later.

I groaned softly in pain and lied there. I wasn't in my bed at home. However, I sat up slowly opening my eyes before letting panic take the lead over my body. I was sleeping in a teen sized bed that I used to sleep in years ago with, what looked like from down here, a bed sheet as my blanket. I laid back down closing my eyes. This had to be a dream and once I opened my eyes this would all go away. Instead, I saw a gorgeous man towering over my small body. In his eyes I felt powerless and small.

There was nothing there of course. Nothing there to read what he was thinking or feeling compared to my fragile, scared brown eyes. I blinked a couple times to make sure he wasn't real. He had nice sculpted muscles that if I ran my hands along his body there will be all muscle and no fat. He must have beaten all the fat out of him to have a great body like his.

We stared at each other, our eyes fighting wordless battles. Him locking his eyes on me and me frozen in place, my breath hitching in my throat.

"Go back to sleep," His deep husky voice commanded me.

He sounded like a sergeant giving orders to a soldier. I scoffed raising an eyebrow. No one ever spoke to me like that before, but this had to be a dream or it wouldn't have been so unrealistic. No matter how many dreams I had, I never had a handsome man towering over me.

"Aye aye, captain!" I said giving him a small salute.

Hopping into bed without a second look at him, I pulled the bed sheet over me. Once I woke up tomorrow this would all be over. It'll be on my mind for a couple of minutes throughout the start of my day then it would vanish and I will not remember a thing.


I woke up again in the same bed, however everything was bright and I could see more of the room. I heard someone softly crying and someone else trying to comfort the crying person. As I opened my eyes, I saw two other beds similar to mine. They all had white bed sheets on them and black sheets covering the mattress. The bed closest to mine was empty, but on the the bed next to it sat two girls holding each other.

The tall blonde chick stared off into nothing as she rubbed the crying brunette's back comfortingly. I sat up and was about to ask what was going on when he walked in. The room started to feel smaller than it actually was and the air thickened when he strode into the room. His presence would have made anyone stop what they were doing and obey his command that it even made the brunette stop weeping. He pulled out a chair from a small desk and sat it in the opposite way where he was facing us.

I squinted my eyes at him. My eyes fell over every inch of his beautifully made face. He had a nice jawline sharp enough to cut a finger. His cheekbones were kind of high, but it fit him and made him look even more attractive. They didn't stick or push out as girls with high cheekbones did, so it suited him. His eyes. They were a beautiful gentle shade of green that could trick people into believing they were the color of the ocean. On him, they were piercing and fierce each time he looked at one of us. How could a man like him have such jewels as eyes, but look so threatening and powerful all at the same time? He was absolutely gorgeous and his body matched it.

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