Chapter 1

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"Kim could you please stop day dreaming for once in a day?" Jason said.
"Sorry I just think alot when I am bored." I said.
"So you mean you are telling me you have the best person in the world right in front of you and you are bored." He said.
"Cocky much." I said and he smirked

I should have introduced myself my name is Kimberley but Jason calls me Kim like the rest of my friends. I am kinda rich well i am but i hardly tell people cause i have already been used for just my money. The only people that knows i am rich are my close friends. Jason is my best friend I have known him since I was in diapers. We both go to school at Lincoln high(not sure if that is an actual high school). I am the nobody at school while Jason is the captain and quarterback of the football team so he is the most popular boy in school. People always asked how Jason could be seen with me since I am a loner. I wonder about it all the time to. But even though he plays girls like strings on guitars he treats me like I am special and he would forever be my best friend.

"Earth to freaking Kim." Jason yelled
I gave him a stern look.
"WHAT?" I asked
"Stop blanking the fuck out on me bro." He said a tad bit angry.
"Sorry I was just thinking." I said trying not to laugh at his face right now.
"Kim I know you want to laugh." He said.
At that moment I just rolled of my beanie laughing and he joined in and laughed with me. You see this is why we are best friends.

"So we have one week left of summer what do we do?" asked Jason.
"I want to visit grandma Edna." I said.
"Sweet you know I love grandma Edna fresh baked cookies." Jason said.
"All u think about is food Jason." I asked.
"You know me too well don't you." He said.

Me and Jason left the house to head by grandma. We hopped in his jeep and we were on our way to grandma's house which was an hour away. I turned on the radio and I immediately regretted doing such a thing.
Jason started singing and let's just say anything or anyone could sing better than him.

"WHEN I SEE YOUR FACE THERE'S NOT A THING THAT I WOULD CHANGE CAUSE YOUR AMAZING JUST THE WAY YOU ARE." Jason shouted Bruno Mars song just the way you are in my ears not caring if he burst my eardrums.
"JASON SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW." I shouted over the music.
Jason off the radio and just looked at the road and kept quiet for the whole hour long drive.

When we reached grandma Edna's house we both got out of the car and walked inside. We will be staying her for only two days and we didn't had to bring anything cause we have practically been here a million times and me and Jason have our own rooms. When we reached the front door we didn't even get to knock the door swung right open and there stood my grandma with a huge smile on her face.
"I've missed you guys." Grandma said
"We've missed you too grandma." me and Jason said in unison.
"Well just don't stand there come on in." grandma exclaimed.
When we got in Jason awe at my grandma's house well mansion even though he has been here before. It is just my grandma in this mansion by herself because my grandpa died when I was 5 years old and my grandma is not like those rich people who have maids working for them or stuff, she likes to do everything thing herself.
"I will never get over the fact that you are rich." Jason said
"Correction, I am not rich my parents are." I exclaimed
"You know what I mean." Jason said.

I went upstairs and left Jason there and went to my room. I was pretty tired today was a long day. We went to a beach house for our whole summer in Canada it was amazing while we lived in Miami, Florida. We only came back today this morning and we drove here to my grandma's tonight.
"KIM, do you want to watch a movie with me?" Jason shouted.
"Sure I'll be right down." I shouted back even though I was tired.
I changed and put on my pajamas and went down to the family room. When I got down to the family room Jason was sprawled out in the long chair so I went in the small sofa.
"So what we watching?" I asked.
"Am I was thinking finding dory." Jason said.
"Sure." I said.
You would feel that the most popular boy in school would not ever want to watch so much cartoons but Jason loves watching cartoons he might look all big and bad but in reality he has soft spots like all of us.
Half way through the movie I was sleepy but Jason his eyes were open so freaking big watching the movie still. When I checked the time on my phone it was going on to 12 o'clock.
"Yo Jason I am going to head in, I am pretty tired." I exclaimed.
"Ok, sweet dreams wierdo." Jason said.
I headed up to my room and plopped down on my bed and called my mom so she would know we got here safe and sound.
My parents aren't like some rich people parents that has a nanny raising their child. My parents share all my memories with me even though are not here all the time I understand cause with my mom being a fashion designer and dad being a lawyer I get they have a lot of work.
When I finish the call with mom it only took me 5-10 minutes to drop sleep and look forward to tomorrow.

Authors Note
This is the first book I am writing so please don't criticize i am very new to this but remember to:
And follow me
Lots of love xxtaleah rockxx

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