A Servant Named Aubrie

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"U-KWON!!!????" Jaehyo yelled Angrily as he stomped off his docked Pirate Ship. U-Kwon was resting in a lawn chair, wearing sunglasses and drinking wine as he tanned in the sun. Jaehyo ran over and kicked the chair U-Kwon sat in. "OI! What's your problem!?" U-Kwon quickly got off the chair. "YOU ATE THE LAST OF MY JERKY!" Jaehyo snapped. "What!? No I didn't!" U-Kwon protested. "LIAR!" Jaehyo grunted. "Whatever, Just go away and leave me be. Just go buy more!" U-Kwon brushed him off. Jaehyo mumbled Angrily under his breath as he walked off.

(The Boy's POV)

"Ugh...what happened?" I said weakly as I sat up in what felt like a fluffy chair. I hear what sounded like a chopping or clipping noise of some sort. "Snip, Snip!" I hear someone say behind me. "Huh!?" I look behind me. There stood a silver haired young man who wore red eyeliner and smiled from ear to ear. I jumped in my seat, but I couldn't move far, I noticed I had restraints holding me down on the chair and a black tarp covering my body. was I in some type of crazy hair salon? I thought to myself as I struggled in my seat. "Keep struggling and I'll send you plumeting head first into my basement." A creepy voice said. "W-Who are you? Where am I!?" I asked as I shook in the chair. "I am Villain Kyung, your ratty hair needs a trim before you become our servant, you MUST look presentable. Now hold still!" He grabbed me by my chin.

"Ouch! You're hurting me! And what do you mean servant!? I'm not no Servant!" I said as I scowled. "Well you are now..." Kyung said as he snipped away at my hair rather swiftly. "Why do you have various gigantic Scissors on your hands!?" I asked nervously. "It's who I am. Who I represent." He said as he harshly pushed up my chin. "Ouch!...and who is that!?" I whined in a pained voice. "None of your consent" He grinned evilly. His grin just...I can't! It's way too creepy! I closed my eyes wishing to never see that again. All the sudden SMACK! I hear it right behind me. "Did you just slap yourself in the face??" I was so weirded out. "DON'T QUESTION IT! ZICO; GET IN HERE AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF THE HAIRCUT!" Kyung seemed very Jittery and angry now.

The guy who I was guessing was Zico walked in. He studied me very carefully, looked me from head to toe. "Very nice Kyung" He said as he held his pointer to his bottom lip...which was very big may I add. "Now, set him free of the chair and send him to Villain U-Kwon. Villain Kyung undid the cuffs and pushed me up out of the chair. I tried to make a run for it,but Zico pushed me down to the ground. "RUN, AND YOU DIE!" His eyes glew red and his voice sounded almost ear-splitting. I cowered in fear. Man I wish my two morons of my friends were here to make the situation better.

"Nevermind! I'll escort him myself!" Villain Zico snapped at both Kyung and I. Villain Kyung yelled something back to Zico, but I couldn't understand the language. Zico gripped my wrist tightly as he dragged me through the dark long hallway. "Ouch! Stop! That hurts!" I cried. "Shut your trap! Here U-Kwon!" He threw me into this dark room. "H-Hello?" I say nervously as I back into a wall. I hear a low growling sound and see two red glowing dots in the distance. "W-who's there!?" Thunder boomed throughout the skies and Lightening flashed onto his face! Then I see him! He looked just like The Joker! But with different hair color and Clothing! I thought to myself. With each flash of lightning he got closer and closer, until he disappeared. Where'd he go? That's when I felt an unbareable pain! He bit me right in the neck! Warm streams of blood ran down and onto my shirt. He laughed maniacally. That's when once again, everything went black.

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