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Days, weeks, months, who knows anymore. I stopped counting the day the world went to shit.

The day the world went to shit was the same day my mother and father died. Not my actual parents, my adopted parents. I never even met my biological parents. My real name is Corryne Elaine Jenner, but my adopted name is Corryne Elaine August. Now, I go by what people know me as. August.

Lets just say, I never wanted to come home to see my adopted mom eating my adopted dad. Not the best thing to see.

Worst part is, I had no weapon to kill them, I had to stomp their heads in with my foot. Now, that's how I usually kill Geeks. I kick pretty hard for my size.

What sucked was that my only friend was a guy so much older than me, Merle. He would be in his 40's. I was only 23. But he was a redneck like me, and we were each other's only friend. He had a younger brother, Daryl, but I seemed to be closer to Merle than Daryl. Well wherever they are, I hope their okay.

It was even worse that I had no idea if my sister, Michelle, was even alive. She was in the city, I had no idea what she was there for, but she was stuck in the city, and I heard that place was hit hard.

Ever since day one, I've been with different groups, but it all ended the same. One of them got bitten and attacked the group, or we get attacked by another group. It was not just the dead we had to watch out for. I'd rather be on my own than watch another group fall apart.

After the last group went down, a group located in a town called Woodbury, I settled down at the CDC, a place full of scientists who were searching for a cure. I wasn't actually in the CDC though. They wouldn't let me in. The doors were steel, so I couldn't sneak in either. So I was in a locked, wrecked car, with nothing but my guitar, some clothes, and a few cans of food, all stored in my favorite duffel bag.

The only thing I did lately was kill the geeks around me, and work on getting in. There's no time for me to sleep. It's not safe to sleep. Not until I'm surrounded by walls. That's better than being surrounding by dead people. Anything is better than that.


I sat in the wrecked car, thinking of a strategy. Banging on the doors won't do anything. All the entrances are locked. I'm fucked.

The familiar sounds of groans filled the humid air.

"Come on, can't I catch a break?" I asked myself.

A geek came limping up to me. I quickly tripped the bitch and jumped on its head, splattering its skull and discolored skin everywhere.

I noticed another coming up.

"Cory, hold yourself together." I pulled out my large as fuck knife and stabbed the geek as it neared me.

Another geek got closer, so I tripped it and stomped it's head into the ground with my heel.

"All you gotta do is kill a few geeks, and run for your life until the CDC people let you in."

I lied to myself. It wasn't just a few geeks, but more like a small herd. Maybe 20 of the dead were in the yard of the CDC. The sweat dripped off my forehead as I ran up to the closest geek and stabbed its brain, then another.

"Well, this isn't getting any easier." I tilted my head to the side a little and backed up.

I ran to the CDC doors and started banging on them.



"Your killing me. Your killing me! I've been out here for how long, and you still won't let me in!"

Lost Too Much | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now