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Levi was nervously pacing around in the living room of his home, he was waiting for his parents to come back from the hospital. He constantly checked if the baby room was perfectly clean and slept by the couch closest to the door just in case his parents came home late. No amount of cleaning or organizing felt as relaxing as they used to be. The age difference between him and his new little sibling was considerably large, but he knew his parents were young when they had him. Plenty of parents their age were beginning to have kids as well, so it was nothing to crazy. It's been three days since they left for the hospital. Levi didn't understand why he couldn't go with them, why he couldn't be with them now, but he knew they had their own reasons. He respected them enough not to push the question on them. Levi paced back and forth in the living room, they told him that they would be coming back today. Levi felt the nerves start to creep up his spine, but his friends were there to keep him company.

"Levi if you keep walking around like that you're going to start a fire on the floor." Erwin said as he was changing the TV channel. "Why don't you sit down? Walking back and forth isn't gonna make them come faster. They probably still have hospital paper work to do and all of that stuff so just sit down and relax. I can get some tea started if that'll help." Even though Erwin found Levi's worry to be new he still tried to reason with him, unlike some people. "Awe come on Erwin, ease up! Levi is about to meet his new younger sister or brother! I can't wait to see who it's gonna be!" Hanji said, Levi rolled his eyes. "I swear if one of you fucktards say another word I'll kill you. And I'm not letting either of you touch them unless I see you wash your filthy fucking hands." Levi said, all of a sudden a soft knock on the door made Levi to open it.

His parents smiled and hugged him, of course Levi didn't hug back because his eyes were focused on the basket in his mothers hand. He didn't ask how it went, If his mother was okay, but they understood. Even if he never said it out loud, Levi cared more than anyone. "Levi, sit down on the couch so you can meet your new baby brother." Levi walked to the couch as calmly as he could, resting his hands on top of his knees. He watched as his father grabbed a camera to record the moment. Hanji stood aside, trying to contain her excitement the best she could as Erwin smiled as well. Levi was handed a sleeping, fragile baby boy wrapped in a blue blanket. "His name is Eren, "his father said.

Levi looked at him and something sparked inside. Eren started waking up, opening his eyes for the very first time to see Levi looking down at him. Eren smiled and held Levi's finger. Levi chuckled a bit and said, "hi...I'm Levi." Eren just smiled and cuddled Levi's finger before falling asleep again. Levi couldn't get over how small Eren was in his hands, how soft he was, every part of him was delicate.

"Wow Levi, if I knew you'd be this adorable with a baby I would've shoved one in your arms much sooner for the album." Erwin teased with a smirk. Hanji was jumping in her place with joy, still trying her best to control herself. "Let me hold him, let me hold him, let me hold him! Give me that adorable bundle of joy so I can squeeze him to death!" She screamed, the volume waking up Eren. He started to cry, his feet kicking at Levi's bicep. Their mother leaned in and picked him up from Levi's arms, placing gentle kisses on his cheeks and whispering words of comfort as she carried him to his new room. She couldn't help but smile when she walked in. She could tell that Levi cleaned the sheets and neatly placed all the toys on top of napkins. "Damn it don't you have a mute button? You must've sounded like a banshee to him and you even made the little brat wake up!" Levi yelled, Hanji just smiled and shrugged. "He'll get used to it...eventually."

Levi's father stopped recording, sighing as he thought he was going to have to edit Hanji and the rest of the video out. "What time was the brat born?" Levi said looking at him. He smiled and said, "March 30, at 10:36 am."

"Well it's been fun! I am gonna go shopping so I'll be back tomorrow! Levi I swear if you don't let me hold him I'm gonna kidnap him." Hanji teased while grabbing her things, " I promise I'll find something nice to make up for that little fiasco. Congratulations!" She happily skipping out of the door and into her car. "I have to go and study but it was a pleasure meeting him. Congratulations." Erwin said, following Hanji's lead and leaving.

During dinner Levi couldn't keep his eyes off Eren. Stupid little brat... "Levi since you're still on spring break do you mind watching Eren for the rest of the week? I have milk for him in the fridge so no need to worry about that. I wish I could take Eren with me but I have to go to the doctors for a few things during the day and I'll be too busy to watch him." Their mother said, Levi nodded. "Fine, but I am not letting shitty glasses touch the little brat." Levi mumbled, before his parents can say anything about his swearing he walked away to see Eren. He look down at the little baby who was sleeping peacefully. Levi stroked his soft cheek with his finger and smiled again. "You little brat...I think we're going to get a long just fine." He bent down and kissed Eren'a forehead making him smile a little in his sleep.

The next day his parents already left for work, but not long after they left Levi woke up to Eren screaming and crying from his crib. He shot out of bed and ran to Eren's room to see Hanji panicking. "What...the fuck....did you do?" He said giving her a cold glare. "Well I came in when your parents were leaving and they said it was okay if I hung out here. So I went in here and I saw Eren and I thought he was really cute so I pick him up...but then he started crying and it kinda freaked me out so I almost dropped him. Almost, but don't worry! I caught him and even if I did drop him he would land on his bed." Hanji said, making Levi's eye twitch.

"You dropped....my baby brother." He said in a harsh voice and Hanji slowly nodded, "technically yes but he didn't fall and I caught him...so we're good right?" Levi was not only angry that Hanji was the reason he was woken up but she crossed the line with Eren. He grabbed the baby monitor and threw it at her nose, she hissed out a swear then ran to the bathroom to fix the blood flowing from it. Levi would've left the room to yell at her, but Eren was still crying in his crib.

Levi sighed and walked over to Eren, picking him up. He wrapped him in his blue blanket and walked downstairs to make his bottle. While Eren was drinking warm milk it calmed him down, making him stare at Levi with his beautiful teal eyes while holding Levi's finger. Levi smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Don't worry you little brat...I'll protect you from shitty glasses."

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