Ciel got this huge erection. "Wow ,fucking nice, kiddo." Sebastian whispered to Ciel. "Ciel, save it for the doctor!!" Sarah-chan giggled, as if she seen this happened many times, which she did. "DAYUM baby i would liek to tuck my chunky ass train in dat tunnel yo." Claude said. Sarah-chan purred. "like damn gurl i would clean u out as if i was mother fucking arm and hammer. cuz baby thats how hard i would hammer u." Claude flirted. "Wow you're such a fucking digrace fuck off a suck a bruised d." Sebastian fought. "lol seb im not going to suck ur dick im straight lol " Claude laughed. "wow. such gei. pretty lady" doge said. Doge was Sarah-chan's sidekick. "Oh boys, boys, there is enough of me to go around!" Sarah-chan exclaimed. "nO BITCH U MINE."Ciel claimed, while stamping the funtom company watermark on her forehead. "Damn u a possesive motherfucker." Claude added. "wut bout doge." doge asked. "You to because I like dogs. " Ciel said.