Not All Rollercoasters Go Up- A Short Zerrie Fan Fiction

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(A/N): This is a short fan fiction of Zerrie bc my otp.

I wrote it for English class at the beginning of the year when Zerrie was not engaged so it is funny that they are in real life which I am so happy about!

If you want to find my social networking sites:

Instagram: @youareperriefect (I use my INSTAGRAM the most)

Twitter: @perriefectt

Tumblr: @ultimatefangirl

The person who made the cover and thought of the title of this book (it's only a chapter oops) is my bby Tilly who you can find on her instagram @directioneditor and you should definetely follow her! You won't regret it!

This story isn't smutty (sorry to disappoint 😏)

and it is extremely sad for me bc otp and I cried while writing this oops.

Sorry if this causes crying at all if you're a hardcore Zerrie shipped or love Zayn to bits like I do.

It probably won't make you cry bc it's not great but I did haha!

Note: this is a very dark fan fiction and you will probably think I'm screwed up in the head hahaha.x

Hope you enjoy it xx

Perrie's POV:

My long legs race through the long, empty hallways of my abandoned and unfamiliar house. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins. My fiancé, Zayn's, hand is clasped onto mine. His hand fits in mine like pieces of a solved puzzle. Without warning, Zayn yanks at my arm, causing me to face him and pulling us into a dark wardrobe.

Our breathing is loud and quick as we try to catch our breath. We huddle together in fright and Zayn protects me. My voice hitches in my throat and I see the image I feared most. Through the little crack in the wardrobe door, I see the tall, muscular man, holding a long, sharp knife. I give Zayn a look an animal would give you before being slaughtered. A glance filled with pity and fear. Suddenly, Zayn throws himself in front of me. I have no time to react, and it feels like time has stopped in place. Before I can react, the door flies open and with no way to stop it, the large knife is inserted into Zayn's heart at such a rapid pace. Dark red blood blood drips off the killer's knife onto the cream coloured carpet. The criminal scuttles off into the oblivion. I couldn't stop him, he had a good head start and I could already tell he was much faster than me. My blonde hair that was bouncing on my shoulders just minutes earlier, is now stained crimson red. I reach out for my fiancé. Nothing else mattered except for Zayn. It is just him and I.

My angel, my saviour, my life savour, my love. Zayn saved me, when all I wanted was to do the same for him. I failed. I frantically check his pulse for any sign of life. There is no hope. Any remaining hope I had is sucked out of me in an instant. His beautiful chocolate brown eyes will never look at me ever again. He will never get to see his own wedding. I will never be able to get married to the love of my life. We will never get to have the children we always dreamed of. Little Harry and Jade will never be brought into this world.

He will never get to see our favourite park again. I will never be able to hold his hand again and feel his wrapped around mine protectively. I will never see him alive again. It sinks in and it feels as if someone has taken my heart and smashed it until all the pieces were scattered all over the floor, never to be fixed again. My Zayn was taken from me.

I place his arm around me. The arm that was once strong and protective, now falls limp and lifeless. I cry into his blood-stained shirt until it is soaked in a mixture of his own blood and my tears. His grey shirt is now set and bloody. I could never imagine seeing him like this, and now he is lying in my arms, unconscious and cold. Heaven has gained an angel.

I remember what happened only hours earlier, but what felt like a lifetime ago...

"Zayn.." I sobbed. The hate has finally gotten too much. "This death threat I recieved is so much worse than the other ones. It's so graphic and detailed.." I say, overwhelmed by how much this psychotic fan wants Zayn and I broken up.

"Perrie," Zayn attempts to calm me down. "You're a strong girl. You've dealt with hate and death threats plenty of times. You know what to do, just ignore the haters! Nothing could break us up. I honestly don't know why my fans give you hate," he wonders, emphasising the "fans". If he is happy, his fans should feed off his happiness and feel good for him. "I mean, you're only dating a celebrity from a world-famous boy band that everyone wants to marry like you are.." He teases, poking my stomach. I giggle, but inside, I'm worried. This threat seemed different and I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. He laughs, obviously because he never gushes over himself, meaning it seems out if the ordinary to pretend to be a stuck-up, self-involved person that so many celebrities are today. I see him think about it for a second, reflecting on how his life has changed so drastically and of all of his hopes and dreams he has accomplished throughout this journey.

A few hours later, Zayn and I are laying on the couch together in our new home, laughing at a comedy show on our television. I hear a crash and try to make out where the sound came from. I work out it produces from the front door of our house. I frantically jump, the anxiety I've had building inside me finally showing. Zayn sings softly in my ear, knowing that this is the one thing that calms me down, even in the hardest of times. I know he can sense how nervous I am. He stops singing just to stand up from the couch to check who was really at the door. I follow him anxiously, setting myself up for the worse, in case it was. We watch as the door creaks open and we know straight away that somebody is there. Zayn's flawless face now holds a look of concern and without warning, he grabs my hand in his, dragging me behind him until I catch up with his pace. The sound of footsteps behind us makes me tremble in fear. Zayn takes a risky glance behind us before speeding up. His features have turned into a determined look, searching for the nearest place we could hide in. Zayn's hand was still protectively grasped onto mine when he died.

Now, I am required to attend therapy classes, following the traumatic event. Every day, I must go over my details, so that I don't lose my grasp on things in life from the disaster and will eventually be able to accept what happened and move on. It will take a long time to finally recover from the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

My name is Perrie Edwards. I am twenty-six years old. My fiancé, and the love of my life was killed by a crazy "fan" of the band that Zayn is apart of. This fan sent me a very realistic death threat and carried out his promise. This fan would do anything to tear us apart so they went to the absolute extreme of killing one of us leaving me to mourn as a widow so that we are no longer together anymore. That plan did not work thought, because I still love Zayn with all of my heart, no matter where he is. I always will. I deserve to have been killed, not him. I could watch securely from Heaven while Zayn was safely here on earth, where I am. All my fiancé was doing was living his life dream of performing for the world with his four best friends in a successful band, and now even that was taken away from him. Zayn will always be with me though, watching over me as I know he always did.

I am now suffering from depression. My view on the world has changed and I have realised the hard way that you can never trust anyone. When you think someone loves you, what you do and the choices you make, they tear you apart until you're never the same again. When you are sure there is someone in your life that is a constant, they are ripped away from you in an instant. Nothing is permanent. Nothing lasts forever. I've learnt that I must never take anything or anyone for granted and cherish as much time you have with somebody, whether it be seconds, minutes, months or years. I stay strong through it all though, as I know Zayn would want me to. I just keep telling myself the one thing that Zayn always made sure to remind me: Just close your eyes and enjoy the roller coaster that is life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2013 ⏰

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