(dedicated to two special friends)
They met when it wasmeant to be
and as their lives interweave
The magic thatconnects the two
sends mind blowing events
intermingling boththeir soulsA rose was handed as agift in jest
but the meaning was meant to enfold those involved
true friendship is built on one
as their purehearts combineSo as you see theirconnection ignite
We bow our heads at the joyous sight
Armsoutstretched towards them both
as the blooms.......... blossomout,
enfolding them ..... in their pure loveWatch....... as it comesto past
that their destiny has been bespoke
so in the journalof the heavens
their pure light........ shines out
We welcome them asdestiny combines
in the one true light
A connection which willignite
the golden bands .... of two pure heartsSo as we take ourleave
We send out love to both of thee
Peace, Love andblessings have been sent
So this being said .........
--- This destiny wasmeant to be ----