2. Twisted Amusement Park

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Twisted Amusement park

This amusement park has three main attractions: Carousel, roller coaster and Ferris wheel. On October 28, 1870 the park was foreclosed because many individuals are missing, mainly children. And was said that it was cursed or haunted.

This amusement park has been abandoned for a very long time. Owners didn’t even bother tearing it down. And it was crowded with common plants.

On November 10, 20XX. 3 children (2 boys and 1 girl) with the ages of 12, 13 and 15 were found dead inside the century old abandoned. And they found in the three main attractions with a gruesome state. How did they go in there? Was there a foul play? No one knows.

And this is their missing story.

On a Halloween night, the 3 children went off for an “adventure” like they always do. But this one’s different…

As they ventured along the tall grass with their Halloween costumes on, they discovered an abandoned amusement park. The park’s atmosphere is frightens them. But it didn’t stop them from going in.

As soon as they entered the gates, they saw a different amusement park, a lively one. They can hear the sounds of the booth games, moving rides and the people who are having fun. But there’s no one there besides them. They ignored that fact.

Inside their minds they said they hit the “jackpot”. They decided to try the rides available. So they split up.

The 15-year old boy decided to ride the roller coaster;

While the 13-year old boy picked the Ferris Wheel;

And the 12-year old girl decided to ride the carousel…

As the 15-year old boy gets closer to the roller coaster’s gates, he saw the operator. His face is cannot be seen. He opened the gates and let the boy in. Jumping in joy, he rode in the front row seat of the roller coaster. Harness and seatbelt automatically moved. The ride is starting…

As it moves slowly towards the peak, the boy is getting more and more excited. But then it was gone.

Roller Coaster went down with a supersonic speed. The boy screamed with terror. He can’t shout “Help” or “Stop” because of the wind and velocity of the ride he regrets getting on it.

The ride makes a full 360 degrees turn, goes up and down, left and right with no intention slowing down.

The young boy’s body can’t handle it. And soon his face was getting ripped and cut, then his shirt, and then the harness and seatbelt which the boy had clung for his life breaks. He held on to the steel bar in front of him but, tragically, the screws came off and the bar was aimed for his neck.

The decapitated head and the steel bar went off flying. Then the ride slows down and came to a full stop at where the ride had started.

The small gates of the roller coaster and the other harness opened, the boy’s headless body felled and blood flows from his lower part of his “still intact” neck, staining the wooden floor with crimson liquid.

Seconds after, the steel bar felled near the lifeless body then the head came after. The head rolled towards its body.


The 13-year old boy hops inside the Ferris wheel. Much less excited than his older brother, the wheel starts to move.

As he expected, the giant wheel turns slow like any other Ferris wheels he’d rode on before. As he reached the highest part, he gazed below. He saw a dead amusement park, no lights at all. Then something more unexpected happens…

The Ferris wheel started to rotate rapidly, the boy held on the door’s handle to regain balance but it was no use. He lets go of it and he started bouncing off on a corner to another.

The wheel slows down and takes another spin before stopping. Now, the red cabin or passenger car where the 13-year old boy is was opened.

Crimson red fluid came out along with boy’s rolling eyeball, also staining the wooden floor.


The 12-year old girl really loves carousel. She doesn’t care how big or small it is. As long as she gets to ride it.

She joyfully skips as she entered the three foot gate where the carousel is and carefully climbs to the biggest horse in the ride. Then the ride operates.

She swings her legs as she hugs with her two small hands the golden coloured pole. She is having fun along with the ride’s music playing. She wished she could ride it forever and ever. That wish became a nightmare.

The carousel started to spin wildly: it spins fast then slows down and then started to spin again. It made the girl hit her head at the pole multiple times. She started to cry. Then the ride started to spin faster and faster. She shouted “STOP!!!”, but it was hopeless.

She lost the grip on the pole and she flies out of the ride hitting the nearby wall.

Her body was smashed into pieces. Her blood splattered like an ink on a paper. Her insides slowly falls towards the ground.

Slowly, the amusement park went back to its ruined state…like nothing happened.

Three days after the police found them, they complete barricaded the place, to seal the cursed place for good… but not forever.

 A/N: Something's off...

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