6 - Relatives

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This chapter is dedicated to LovingLifeIsNew for the amazing cover!!! Thank you!!!

Oh, and go check out her stories! They are awesome!!!! :D

Now, on with the chapter!! :]


What do you mean, you just 'relived' Vivianne's death?” Adrian snapped, his breath hitting my face.

     I squirmed against the counter, wishing that I'd at least been standing in front of a wall or something before I'd told him. The moment the words had left my lips, I'd started to regret saying them. Adrian's whole demeanor went from honest disinterest to full-on livid. His eyes had darkened to a shade of grey that was almost black and his face muscles had contorted until he was in a full on rage. I made a disgruntled noise as he shook me against the counter.

     “Tell me,” he growled, his knuckles turning white as he clutched the fabric of my shirt in his hands.

     Hands appeared on his shoulders and I suddenly found that he wasn't pressed up against me anymore. Instead, Jay and Sylar blocked most of his view of me; but I could still see his face. And he was definitely not happy.

     “Dude, chill,” Sylar snapped, one hand still on Adrian's shoulder to keep him at bay.

     “Answer me!” Adrian shouted, his eyes still glued on me.

     “Adrian,” Jay rumbled lowly, his stance stiff, almost as if he were readying himself for battle. “What is wrong with you right now?”


     A knock resonated from the front door, cutting him off. I glanced at the time and realized it was way past sundown. How long had I been out for? Shaking my head, I slipped past Jay and hurried out of the kitchen. I flicked on some lights so we could all see before I opened the door, revealing a boy around my age with blonde, messy hair and surprising blue eyes.

     “Uh, hi,” I greeted him, forcing my voice to sound friendly. My head was still hurting horribly, and that tended to put me in a bad mood. “What can I do for you?”

     “Hello,” he said pleasantly, glancing around the entryway. “I'm looking for Kathrin Cole, do you know where she might be?”

     I frowned and shook my head. “She's actually not here at the moment,” I told him, practically daring him to try and make a hostile move towards me. I had an enraged teenage boy in my kitchen just itching to go ballistic, there was no way he'd make it out of that ordeal in one piece. “But I am her daughter. If there was anything you wanted to ask or tell her, I could relay it to you in a message.”

     “Oh, so she does live here,” he exclaimed, smiling broadly. “Terrific!” He held out his hand to me suddenly. “I'm, uh, I'm Ryan.”

     I shook his hand. “Hello, Ryan,” I muttered, narrowing my eyes on him. For some reason, I wasn't getting a very good vibe off the guy. “Can I relay a message for you?”

     “May I come in?” he asked instead, his smile still firmly in place.

     “Look,” I snapped, my patience starting to run thin. “My mother, Kathrin, isn't home currently—I just told you that. If you have a message for her, just tell me so I can relay it to her when she gets home. If not, good day to you, sir.”

     “Oh,” Ryan exclaimed, looking completely caught off-guard. “I'm sorry. It's just that, um, I'm supposed to be staying for a couple of days...”

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