can I finally call you mine?

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Please forgive me for my terrible fanfic but I like writing. so please jisoo if you are listening please help me!!!!

Enjoy the story!!!

Update 10/4/16: made some spelling corrections.

Update: 04/08/2018 (cleaning up this mess I call my story. Again forgive me and enjoy!)


To: Jaebum

If you read this please understand that it was never intentional, it just happened.

You are my best friend but along the way everything just changed and I don't know what happen, it is like you became everything I ever thought about. you became my world.

Silly, right? Honestly you become someone that was important to me and I have never felt that way in my life. Because I have never met someone that could imprint their world in mine.

I hope when you read this you will feel the same, but a bigger part of my mind doubts that you would ever feel anything for me but it doesn't matter as long as I have you here.

I know you will never feel the same but I pretend to be oblivious to this because it made things easier. I realized that this crush would never go away but sometimes... I wish it did so that way it wouldn't complicate anything but it has become a futile wish.

I have never wanted someone more than in this moment or in the universe, I love you. Ever since I meet you, when we were talking about how coffee must have Creamer or else it tasted nasty and unpleasant, weird, but I like different and you are extraordinary to me. You are just right.

Love: Jinyoung

I have contemplated all the reason in my head to how I would show him I love him but yet again
Out of reach, out of sight, out of mind my loving glances only a shadow of what seems to be a friendly gesture.

My festering hate towards his ignorance, suppresses my feelings of annoyance. These days go by with cold-shoulders and oversold lies, just like flight or fight, my heart tells me to stay and my mind tells me to leave.

This misconceiving notion of love for this boy, who could never reciprocate my feelings. Fate has a funny way of playing checkmate.

Just like today and tomorrow he'll forget my existence and someday I will forget him too. until then I will revile in his friendly gestures and light-heart laughter, his world will go on without me. So will mine too.

I wish he knew how much he means too me and what his presence does too me. Every single thing he does is like magic, it so intoxicating that I want more of him, I want to be selfish and call him mine for once but deep down.

I know he won't feel the same, no matter how much I try or wish I could have him in my arms. He will never be mine and what is the use, he probably like That bitch Sana from twice (I do not hate Sana but I just needed a jealous Jinyoung in the story) she was the girl from our "A" M/V.

I understand she is beautiful and not a guy. I mean who wouldn't want someone like her and I remember they were always talking to each other a lot, I didn't miss the smile that appeared on his face when his phone would light up and her name would appear.

"Are you okay jinyoungie" JB came into my room and I quickly grabbed my book and put it in there "ne" I didn't look up from my book that I was currently reading.

"Are you sure, you seemed mad today" he came closer to me "are you mad at me?" I could hear the hurt in his voice.

He crawled onto the empty side next to me and laid down on my lap "I-" didn't let him speak.

"What do you want JB" trying to sound indifferent not looking up from my book, I could see him flinch from my cold tone.

"Why are you being like this?" he tried grabbing the book from my hand but that is where the letter is.

"Stop it Jb!" I push him a bit so he wouldn't get the book.

"Then why have you been avoiding me like the plague?" I could feel him staring.

"You won't even look me in the eyes" he picked up my chin with his index finger.

"Then talk t-" before he could finish speaking his phone goes off.

"Is it Sana?" my words come out like venom.

"Why do you care?" his words like daggers.

"Are you guys dating or something" secretly praying he is not.

"Again why do you care, you are the one that wants nothing to do with me lately" I looked up and he has moved to the other end of the full sized bed.

I wanted to yell at him, that I love him, that is why I have been avoiding him because I am afraid he would reject me. That he would want nothing to do with me.

I could hear the bing noise again "just go away and talk to your girlfriend or something."

I wanted to cry but I had to be strong, so instead of talking I went back to my book but as soon as I was about to pick it up but jaebum already beat me to it.

"Give me back my book" I shouted "mom, dad keep it down you are scaring bambam and yugyeom!" Mark shouted.

I swear these walls are paper thin "sorry!" me and him simultaneously yelled.

"Give me back the book!" I tried grabbing it from him but he kept on putting it behind his back.

"What so important about this book Jinyoung?" I looked at him again before throwing a pillow at him to distract him but to no prevail he catched it. FML!!!!

He threw it back and made a beeline for the door, succeeding in his task, I ran after him but by the time I caught up. He locked himself in the restroom damnit!

Jaebum's POV:

I could feel my heart raced as I made it to the restroom "open the door!" I could hear Jinyoung banging on the door.

I didn't reply, I know he hide a letter in here and I don't know who it is from. But it must be really important to him.

I know Jinyoung is gay, I knew for sometime now, not gonna lie I read his journal, terrible but I was curious and I knew he likes someone.

Yet he never wrote the guys name down. Maybe this is my opportunity to see who this guy is and tell him to back off of Jinyoung because I like him.

A lot and I didn't realize it til I read his journal and Sana pointed it out too. The reason I talked to her is because she has been helping me figure out how to ask out Jinyoung.

This is not the time for think, just action! I pick up the book take a deep breath this is kind of a scary moment for me.

I take out the letter and I see:

"To: Jaebum"

I can't help but smile. I can call him mine.


Hope you all enjoyed it or liked. Thank you for taking the time you read it means a lot.


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