Sooo I was just working on a new cover for this book, and when I came back the book had 'jumped xD' from 40-63 views!!
How? Just how, I can't believe it!
Thank you so, so sosososooooo much for this!
Now I have made a new goal....
The new goal is 70 views! I know that this will probably not happen, but we'll see, right? Yeaaaah! xDD
Please ask me a question in the comments and I'll answer them! (If they're not really weird questions like: Do you have a crush on someone? No! That's wierd questions! xDBut please ask me questions, I'm loneley :(
Randomness #1-Being Stupid Never Stopped Me!
RandomApple talk-I mean Writes! about random stuffzz Yesssss, Apple is me xD ------------- Can we get 850 views? xD