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1. the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

Aceton Alexander
I grabbed the both of my business suitcases. Another day another dollar. I grabbed the keys to my office, and locked my doors, heading to my Range Rova'. It was a pretty day today. It took me no more than 25 minutes to arrive at the office. I saw Melanie's car parked outside. Melanie was my personal assistant. She was a great person and an amazing help to me. She had everything done on time and when I needed it. I stepped into my building and the first thing my eyes met was Melanie. "Goodmorning Mr.Alexander!" She spoke with her usually up to be happy tone.

"Goodmorning Melanie." I smiled throwing my hand up waving. Today was a Wednesday so I didn't usually have any clients. Today was like my catch up day to anything I need to work on. "Mr.Alexander, wait." Melanie called out. I figured she was just trying to fool me with her shenanigans that I fell for all the time. No I didn't. She continued to called after me, but I waved her off telling her to have a nice day and opening my office door which had been already unlocked for some reason. I pulled at the door shutting it behind me, and I completely stopped seeing I had a client. I examined her from behind, seeing her long curly and kinky hair, along with her dark skin. Her beautiful dark skin. I continued to walk to my desk and I knew she had to feel my presence. I sat my suitcase down and gave her a smile.

"Goodmorning." I told her. She had her hands in her lap and slowly lifter her hand just a little that I could see she was waving. "Would you like anything to drink ? Water. Coffee." I asked making me a cup of coffee. I didn't hear a response, so I looked her way seeing her shake her head no. "Okay. Just let me know if you would like anything." I said sitting at my desk beginning to typing the code to my laptop. She slowly nodded her head. I looked at the file on my desk, and picked it up along with opening it. Miss Penelope Rose Knowles

"Please excuse me, for the small wait." I said to her. She looked down at her feet not once looking up. "So what's your name sweetheart ?" I said smiling at her sitting my right leg over my left knee with my writing pad on top. She played with her fingernails and pulled small pieces of her curly hair behind her ear. "So tell me a little something about yourself." I said to her. She said nothing. "Well I'm Aceton Alexander. I graduated from Harvard University with a doctorate degree. Um, so I'm a doctor. I'm 24 years old, and I live here in Atlanta. I donate to charities every year, and I'm one of the best. I hope that didn't sound as cocky as I thought it did. I started in this business as an intern and once I moved up in education, I started this and now I'm here." I said finishing off giving her a small smile, that she didn't see because her head was still hanging low. I received a page from Melanie letting me know I could end my session. I would've loved to help this young woman, but she just wasn't giving me anything. I'm going to end our session today and study her files. "Well your session is up for the day Miss, Thank you for your time and effort. Will you be back this week ?" I asked her. She bounced her leg up and down and looked at the clock. "I guess we'll see, thank you ma'am." I said giving her a smile. She slowly stood up from her chair and pushed loose curls behind her ear and look down at the floor as she left my office. She hadn't said a word ever since I arrived. She didn't even look at me, not once. I sat my pen and writing book onto my desk and picked up her files. I didn't want to read her personal info, that reason being that I want her to tell me. I want her to talk to me. All I knew is that her name was Miss Penelope Rose Knowles and she was 19 years old. I was going to look at a little of her history though. I just wonder why is she here ? She won't even say hello. I looked through her papers and found her background and searched for words that stood out.
Institute of the Mental
Institute of the Abused

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