Nearly a decade after witnessing the death of his family during an alien invasion, Alex is recruited as part of an elite group tasked with engaging the aliens at their home planet before they return to enslave mankind. However the group soon realise that their foe and the galaxies are far more deadly and ruthless than even they feared, and learn of the true extent of the 5 power sources which wield unlimited supremacy. Soon it becomes clear that Alex’s fate is intertwined with the destiny of the power sources, and he becomes embroiled in a battle with a dark enemy which will define the destiny for all living beings throughout the cosmos.
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"Salvation will appeal to anyone captivated by fantasy and science fiction. The writing is engrossing, character development is great and it will leave the reader wanting for more towards the end, it really does. Fantasy blends with science fiction in this novel as the combat scenes are described flawlessly, it almost is like watching it unfold in front of one's eyes. It's like a hybrid of genres of epic fantasy, science fiction and thriller done splendidly. A great read and highly recommended one!"