Lucy Pevensie

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There I stood before it. A wardrobe. A fantastic piece of magical history that this world has never known. For years it was not only my escape from reality, it was my reality. I had matured in that world- grown into a woman. And yet here I stood again- transformed back to a child. I longed to return to the place I was created for. Here I felt as a fish out of water. Being here, where no one knew of Aslan, it felt wrong. This world wasn't for me. Surely if I tried hard enough, believed hard enough, I could break through the barrier once more.. I had done it before, hadn't I?

I placed my hand on the distinctively carved handle and felt almost as if it were holding my hand back too. I took this to be a good sign. As I pulled open the entrance to the wardrobe my heart began beating faster and faster, perhaps to keep up with my racing mind. I reached my hand through plush winter coats and began to step up into.. nothing. There was nothing to step into. The once never ending line of coats stopped after a few racks.  A sturdy posterior wall prevented even the most solid of faith from passing through it. I stepped back again, reaching for the same handle that had guided me into the wardrobe once before and which had raised my hopes only moments ago. For a moment I wanted to slam the door shut. I wanted to break off the handle and crush it. But as my hand rested back on that embellished, magic-filled handle I realized that if it were able, it would let me pass through. This wardrobe wanted to share its magic with me once more. I was suddenly overcome with sadness. The handle had not been raising my hopes, it had been comforting me for what I would soon come to find as a loss.

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