Chapter 2 Voulez-Vous

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"Asseyez-vous classe!"

Madame Giselle, probably my favourite teacher in the whole school. Not only was she quite young and therefore understanding, but she also taught my favourite of the four A-levels I took: French.

I suppose French is a bit of a Marmite subject: despised by some, and loved by others. I really get French so I usually enjoy it -especially since it's one of the two subjects I share with Nadia.

The other is Biology. You see, I take Biology, Chemistry, Maths, and obviously French. Eww horrible right? But Nadia, I'm pretty sure she choose her subjects on a Wheel of Fortune: Biology, French, Drama, and Art. I have no idea what she's going to do with that combination, and probably nor does she. Her parents are so relaxed about it, the complete opposite of mine. They'd blow their tops if I ever made that choice.

I sat down in anticipation of a double period of French, looking round the room as I took out my books. Our class was a pick-and-mix of all the social groups in the year: a wide range from the nerds, all the way to the sluts and rowers.

"Alors classe, aujourd-hui je vais donner un nouveau projet que vous pourrez compléter par paires"

"Er Miss?" drawled Alice, the brain-dead hoebag, raising her hand. "What's that mean?"

How the hell did she pass her French exam last year?!

Madame Giselle sighed. "It means zat I am setting a project today zat you will work in ze pairs for." she explained in her heavy accent.

A cheer echoed around the room. I smiled at Nadia next to me and we exchanged high-fives.

"But!" shouted Madame Giselle.

Oh no. A 'but' is never good.

"I," she continued. " 'ave already set ze pairs"

Groans and complaints spread across the students.

Madame Giselle held up her hands in defence and tried to make herself heard over the racket as she tried to reason with everyone.

Nadia sent me an apologetic look with her eyes. She more than anyone knew how much I hated this situation.


There was nothing the class feared and obeyed more than the angry side of our French teacher.

As she began to list the pairs my stomach churned. Apart from Nadia, there were probably only about four people here I could endure the duration of the project with without strangling them.

"Sami Wilson et Doug Olner!"

And Doug Olner definitely was not one of them. Fucking fantastic...

I turned around to look at him and he sent a small smile my way. I didn't return it as I immediately faced the front again.

Nadia was placed with Harriet Jones. She was nice! Why couldn't I have been placed with her?!

But no, I had to be put with one of the popular boys, let alone one that was practically a selective mute.

"Ze project will be titled 'Le Culture Parisienne'. Ze Culture of Paris" she explained when Alice's hand shot up.

I noticed she was paired with Josh Thompson, captain of the rugby A team. They had no hope of finishing the project, they'd be too busy doing something else together. If you catch my drift.

Madame Giselle handed out briefing sheets and told us to assemble into our pairs.

I figured Doug wouldn't be so much of a gentleman to move here so I reluctantly gathered my stuff and turned the chair from the desk in front of him round so I faced him

"Hi" I said as I sat down.

"Hey" he replied without making eye contact.


I took a deep breath in an attempt to brace myself for an hour and a half of inevitable awkward silences.

"Look" I said, placing my hands on the desk. "Neither of us wants to work together Doug"

"Dougie" he interrupted.


"Dougie" he repeated, so quietly I could hardly hear him.

"Isn't the whole point of a nickname supposed to be that it's shorter than your actual name?" I smiled.

He laughed, his face lighting up. "Yeah, it's -it's kind of stupid I guess" he stumbled, scratching the back of his head, pronouncing his arm muscles.


No shut up!

"So erm yeah" I said, losing my words -I swear his shyness is contagious. "This isn't either of our's cup of tea but we should at least try to make this work."

He nodded.

Gosh he's a chatty one...

"I'm sure, like me," I continued. "You'd rather be working with the person you sit next to."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't sit next to anyone"

"Oh" I said as I realised this was true. "Well, erm, you know what I mean"


I stared at my hands during the silence that followed then moved my gaze to where Nadia and Harriet were laughing together on the other side of the room, and they looked busy with work. Whilst we were doing nothing.

"Listen" I said, causing Doug's dirty blond, curly-haired head to snap up in attention. "I don't know about you, but I want a good grade for this. So can we work together properly until the deadline in three weeks?"

"Sure" he nodded, picking up his pen.

"Okay then" I smiled, doing the same.

This wasn't so bad.


Right, first things first.

Marmite is a yeast extract thing you put on toast. Could also be called Vegemite. The expression is that if something is like Marmite, it's either loved or hated -there is no in between.

A-levels are the 3 or 4 subjects that exams are taken for at the end of sixth form (11th and 12th grade). I'm told by my American cousin they're the British equivalent of SATs or ACTs.

I apologise to any French readers for my awful French as Madame Giselle. I do take French but I still had to google translate half of it!

When I talk about rowers, in some schools they can be the equivalent of jocks, along with the rugby players. This is all British private school stuff though which is the scene I am trying to create.

Right, explanations over, just want to remind you to please vote and comment. All feedback is appreciated. Even if you want to tell me it's shit.

Kiki out :)

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