Chapter 1: Principium

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The wind whipped at my face as I reached out to touch a cloud. I smiled widely when it dissipated.  The town looked so small below but the lights and the night sky before me created a beautiful scenery. Then one star shone brighter than the rest from the corner of my eye so I stopped to get a better look at it. It shone in a slightly different color and sat on the right of another star. Something about it seemed to call me, so a flew towards it slowly but surely. I got close enough so I saw nothing but white. Then as my vision started to clear, I saw- Beep Beep Beep Beep The alarm called out and I sat up with a groan.

"Great," I mumbled with a stretch and stood up slowly and began getting dressed. I picked out my usual outfit, a green short sleeve tee, blue jeans, brown belt, brown shoes, and a green beanie. I kinda like green. Once dressed I went to the bathroom to get ready. I look in the mirror, and saw a familiar face staring back at me. Sharp features at every turn, (seriously you could make a paper snowflake with my nose or just about anything, and you'd think I stole my ears from an elf) and bright ginger hair to the point of nearly being red.

As I looked I decided it was took clean, too proper. Like something my dad had modeled, yeah that won't do. I ruffled my hair as much as I could and readjusted my hat. Then I started making as many ridiculous faces as I could, after a quick laugh I brushed my teeth and went out. Immediately I was hit with the unfortunately familiar scent of old rum. Dad had been "doing his own thing" as he would always describe. He tended to do that a lot, he wasn't that great of a guy either. Mom only got with him because he has a British accent, only cool thing about him. So I figured it best to get out before he was up.

After a while I made it to school and the usual hang out spot. I really needed to finish coming up with a name for me and my friends. Everyone in the group had some kind of nick name, not me though, I always preferred Peter. Nice, simple, and on my birth cirtificate.

Anyway, everyone was there, Nibs, Curly, Slightly, Cubby, Tootles, and The Twins. Well almost everyone, Rufio graduated last year, but he would hang out outside of school when he could. We sat there talking for a while, eventually I got distracted by this girl I had kinda been interested in for.......yeah a long time. Wendy Darling, her name was an accurate description. She had light brown hair she wore in a pony tail at all times, soft features, and bright blue eyes. She wore a blue dress that matched her eyes and- My thoughts were sidetracked by Slightly calling my name and Cubby clapping by my ear.

"Hm? What?" I asked "Peter, what was that? We asked you a question." said Nibs. "Sorry, sidetracked. What was the question?" "Well in a fight between a pirate and a ninja who would win?" asked Curly. I thought about it, but before I could answer the bell rang and everyone said their quick temporary goodbyes and scattered.

I really wasn't looking forward to a quiz that was scheduled for math first period, so I decided to take my time. That may not have been the best idea, because soon enough the one teacher who would kill to catch me stepping out of line snuck up behind me. I didn't even realize he was there until I heard "Mr. Banning." I stopped and winced before recovering and turning to face him "Mr. Smee." I replied with my most innocent smile. Mr. Smee paced around me all too pleased with himself. Normally he was very much to himself, but not when he had a chance to impress his 'best friend'. "James will like this," he began, "So, what exactly are you doing, Mr. Banning?" "Heading to class? You see, I have a very important quiz in math right now, so if you wouldn't mind..." I replied as I began to walk past him. "Not this time, Peter. I think we ought to have a chat with the principal."

I sighed, great, this will set off my plans of- yeah I didn't plan to do anything today. This still wouldn't be fun though. Smee escorted me to the principal's office, (Jones or something? I never could remember that guy's name.)

I spent most of my day in that office, only released by the end of the school day. I ran out and home as fast as I could, not sure which place is worse, but at least home isn't that room. I was greeted by a renewed stench of rum. So dad's awake.

I tried to get to my room without alerting him, not very successfully. "Peter!" came a shout from across the living room. "Hey," I replied. "The hell are you doing here?!" he asked. "Well, I live here." "Oh, smart ass are we?" he asked. "No more so than usual," I mumbled. He started coming toward me and asked, "What was that?" now in the light I could see his dark hair, stubble,  blue eyes that seemed to turn red when he got angry, and rough features seemingly carved by sandpaper. "Nothing." I replied, "Nothing what?" "Nothing sir." I answered mockingly glaring into his eyes. "You ungrateful, little, punk!" he shouted, "Me ungrateful? That's a lot coming you ya drunk!" I shouted back, "You little-" "Touch me and I call the cops again!"

He begrudgingly backed off grumbling to himself resigning to the kitchen again. "You'll be useful when you're a lawyer. Once you've matured." he mumbled. I decided this was it. I had had enough with all of this, every day, all this bull. I had had enough of reality. And if 'maturing' meant being like him, then I would not grow up.

I went into my room locking the door and packed a bag. I slung the bag over my shoulder and began climbing out the window and down to the ground below.

I ran as fast as I could to my usual spot to think or be alone. The statue at the center of Kensington Gardens. I sat with my knees drawn near my chest. I never felt more lost in my life. I didn't know where to go, what I was doing, or who to go to. Then every emotion from the past few years to lead me here erupted at once. I rested my head on my knees and started to cry. Suddenly I heard a twinkling circling my head. I looked up to see a floating light. As I focused I could see it was a tiny girl. Like tiny. Probably the size of my thumb. She was blonde with a little green dress seemingly made from leaves, and small rounded features. "Whatcha crying about?" she asked. "I- I'm not crying. And if I was, it would be about the world being horrible, and the worst kind of expectations." I responded. "Hm, I think I know how to help." she responded. I looked up at her hopefully, "Great! I'm Peter by the way, Peter Banning." "Panning?" she asked "N-I mean, yeah I like the sound of that, Peter Pan." we both laughed softly as I stood and she replied "I'm Tinker Bell." "Nice to meet you Tink."

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