Chapter 8

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Authors Note: Candy's Character has Changed . (Candy Above)
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I'm soooo excited for this trip to Barbados , but y'all already know I gotta keep my pissed off face on . I laughed to myself at the thought . Amir smiled at me while I mentally rolled my eyes , " What you laughing at baby ? " he asked . I smirked and decided to be petty " Oh nothing just thought about my night at the club some weeks ago . " August Burst out Laughing while Amir sat quietly and mugged him . I just smiled and scrolled through my Instagram. Until August Hoe decided to speak . " I'm soooo excited," she cheesed and continued ,"Babe aren't you excited ? " she asked August . " Yea I plan on running into Rihanna Fine ass ." He grinned . I laughed as she frowned at him .

After The Plane Lands...

I Walked off the plane and breathed in the fresh air . It was Beautiful , from the beaches to the people there it was amazing . Amir grabbed his bags and mine as I followed him to a man with a huge smile on his face . " Hellooooo Welcome ! " he smiled with a thick accent as we all smiled back . "Hi " we all responded . " Well my name is Carlos and I'll be your tour guide and servant while you're here . You'll be stayin- " he was cut off by someone calling Amir's Name . We all turned around and I immediately started laughing and folded my Arms . It's the Bitch from the Club .


As soon as I turned around I wished I didn't . I was extremely pissed that Nina Pulled this Shit . She smiled when she got in front of me but soon frowned when she saw our faces especially mines . " What the Hell are You Doing Here ? " I asked her on the verge of cursing her out . " I thought this was a business trip when I heard about it and I thought I'd surprise you " she said looking down. I shook my head and was about to speak but August Beat Me To it . " So bruh you gone introduce us to your friend ? " he laughed until Candy Mugged Him . " Hey I'm Nina , his secretary . " she answered , " Yea Why are you Here ? " Candy Asked pissed tf off . Nina looked shocked that she was there . " umm well I-I came - " her stuttering got cut off by Candy , " Get Your Lie out Hoe . " I quickly answered " She's here for business purposes babe . " Candy Rolled Her Eyes and Followed Carlos Along with August and Nyla . I sighed and Turned to Nina " You Fuck up this Trip , That's your Ass . " I told her . "This gone be a hell of a 2 weeks " I thought as I followed everyone else .

There's more coming Sooon 😘 ....
-Nay 😌❤️

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