i thought he loved me i thought hed call me his i thought he would ask but instead he just tossed my to the curb i thought he liked me then i saw it the message of his true love romance i read as if it was for me but really it was for his angel his love to be, i thout he said i was breautiful only to find out he was just nice.he let me fall down i go down the lonly fucking rabbit holl this holl will lead me into hell were noone will fuck with me because i was mad . i was mad that yhe let me fall. when i come its only to say he didnt leave me there to fall he grabbed and saidn i love you i broke up with her because she came from hell and tried make me suffure just like her. i foght and she lost and now i have you as my angel that i can cherish and love forever into the abise of love finilly he says he loves me