Chapter 1

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He's near.

He's in London.

I looked down at me bruised legs. The shirt only reaching above my knees. The shirt stained with blood, dirt, and has holes all over. My arms tired being chained up bruises around my wrists. My white hair a mess reaching my lower back. I looked over to the bucket of water the only reflection I could see was my piercing red eyes.


Three years when I was ten my mother was murdered for reason I yet have to discover. My father a demon. I've only seen him once. I know he's near. I will find him. I will kill him. I smiled as the door opened. Two men with white coats walked in.

"Mellony." I looked up to the man. He smirked, unchaining me. They dragged me to a bright room. With shots, experiment equipment, a table. They laid me down on the table as the rest of them began to walk in.

"But she's only a child!" My eyes wondered towards a young woman. Her hair black pulled up, with a white coat and brown eyes.

"She's a monster!" A man said. I couldn't help but smiled. I looked up at the bright light. As a man took a small knife bringing it towards my arm. I felt it slice through my skin. I hissed at the pain. Blood dripping onto the ground. They've done so much to me but as he said yes I'ma monster. I will not die so easily as they will. I swung my arm towards the knife taking it from his hand slicing his throat he dropped to the ground. For a second they looked shocked then reacted trying to kill me. All that was heard was the screams and my killing. I looked over towards the woman curled up against the corner. Fear in her eyes. I walked over to her, she trembled more and more as I got closer. She looked up to me with tears running down her cheeks.

I bend down towards her right ear and whispered, "they are right I am a monster. Its to bad, I would let you live...but you've seen to much." I slight her throat. I walked out the room looking back at the bight once white room covered with blood and bodies. I smiled clutching the knife as guards and others tried to keep me from getting out. Trying to kill them.

I stepped out into the cold, dark London streets. It was around midnight. Only a couple of people where out and they stared at me. With what I was wearing I was drawing attention towards myself. I went through an alley to a lonely street. A beautiful black dress caught my eye from a window in a shop. I walked towards it the shop seemed to be closed. I smirked. I just need to break in. I thought. Not drawing any attention or making a mess I was able to break in and get the dress after changing I got rid of the shirt in a dumpster. I walked to a street where more people were there. "Excuse me." I walked to an older lady. "Can you please tell me where the Phantomhive miner is located?" After I got her directions I smiled and thanked her.

I stared at the mansion in awe. Making my way into the gardens. I demon dog ran towards me growling I hissed at it flicking him on the nose. He whimpered in pain. I put my hand on his head petting him letting him know that I am not an enemy. I made my way towards the door I knocked once and the door was opened with. A tall, black hair, red eyes butler. "Welcome..." His eyes then widen when he saw me.

I smirked," hello father."

A Demon's Daughter (Black Butler, Ciel Phantomhive)Where stories live. Discover now