The Reunion

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I cant believe I didn't know this before...I mean this isn't the kind of thing someone could easily hide. Well, I guess I should start at the beginning it started a week ago. That's when we all got one a letter that would change our lives forever.


I was walking through the front door. I just got home from cheerleading practice. It was my first practice as captain. I was kinda nervous, Our last captain caused three of our spotters to be hospitalized. So I had to prove i could handle the preasure.

I saw that mom and Brent's cars weren't in the driveway. I walked to the living room where mom always leaves a note if she's going anywhere. It was sitting on the coffee table.

"Honey, I have an appointment at the spa and Brent is at the club. We'll be home at 8. Love you, and you got a package in the mail today I layed it on your bed. "

"Great I have three hours to myself" I Muttered to no one in particular.

I might as well go see what I got in the mail, I hope It's those cute pair of sunglasses I ordered the other day. I ran up stairs two at a time I almost tripped at the top step. Luckily my reflexes kicked in and I caught my self.

I turned to my door and saw the envelope lying on my bed. Well I definitely know it wasn't the sunglasses. I wonder what it is.

I grabbed the envelope and opened it with one swift rip. Inside was a letter, a plane ticket, and something else i couldn't make out. I grabbed the letter and jumped in bed. I started reading.

"Ashley, I'm sorry to inform you but your father was in a terrible accident and has passed away. I would like to offer my condolences and your fathers last wish was to have all of his children at his funeral. In the envelope should be a plane ticket from L.A. to Indiana and the necklace he left you. Please consider coming to his funeral it will be held this Sunday. There will be a driver waiting for you if you decide to come."

What this had to be some kind of joke. I've never even seen my father why would he want me at his funeral? Plus it's only two days away that's kind of a short notice.

I know I should be sad because I just found out my dad died but I'm actually really pissed. Why should I go? There's no way whoever sent this is, is being for real.

Then I remembered the envelope that was on the floor. I crawled over to pick it up. No return address. I saw the plane ticket. but where did the necklace go? I looked down and saw it. The prettiest thing I've ever seen. It was even prettier then the Tiffany necklace I've been wearing for two years.

I picked it up, it shined even brighter in the light. Which seemed impossible because it already shined like the sun, when it was lying on the ground. It was a circle locket completely outlined in red jewels which was perfect because red is my favorite color.

I flipped the letter around to see if anything was on the back and there in little black scribble.

"P.S. Flight leaves at 6 tonight. "

Crap that gave me thirty minutes to pack, ten minutes to drive there, and five minutes to catch my flight. Well I guess that means I'm going. What should I pack I mean how long will I be gone? I don't know anything about the weather up there.

I guess I'll just pack the usual. I started throwing shirts and shorts into my suitcase then I thought it might be cold so I threw in a couple pairs of jeans and my cute leather jacket. Got my straightener and zipped up my bag. I didn't really need makeup I normally don't wear any anyways.

I wrote a little note to mom telling her everything and I will call her as soon as I got the chance. That reminded me I have to get my cell phone charger. I grabbed it then I was off.


The flight took three hours and thirty minutes but I finally got to Indiana.

There waiting for me was a driver as promised holding up a board that said

"Katty Evans, Tommy Ginn, Ashley Jones, and Carly Davis"

Who are these other people? Standing beside the driver was a tall chunky poor looking guy had to be around my age. A girl the same height as him really skinny wearing a oversized hoody maybe a little younger then me. Last was a girl who would be perfect for my squad she was shorter then me and younger probably a freshman. She was really pretty she kinda looked familiar.

"You're Ms. Ashley I presume?" the driver said in a deep tone.

"Well of course she is I mean look at the necklace it's the exact same as all of ours." The short girl said in a matter of fact voice.

"Actually I've studied the necklaces and Tommy's bracelet there not the same they all have different colored jewels and the design in the middle is completely different for each person. Even hers." The tall girl said pointing at me.

I completely forgot about it then I realized they was wearing the same necklace but different. I also saw for the first time the swirls in the middle. I could have swear those weren't there before.

"Your looking at the marks aren't you? They wasn't on any of ours until your plane landed." The tall girl spoke again.

"As a matter of fact they're only there when all four of you are wearing them and you are together." The driver whispered, with a smile on his face.

"What that's not possible." Great I've been here two minutes and some crazy guy ends up being my driver. Maybe I can pretend I'm someone else. No that wont work I have the necklace.

"Actually it's very possible and lets not talk here. Your uncle will explain when we get there. It's about a thirty minute drive." The creepy driver stated examining his watch. "I think it would be best if you all get to know me and each other. I'm Mr. Harris. She's Carly Davis." he said pointing to the tall girl.

"Hi." she said kind of squeaky.

"This is Tommy Ginn." He motioned to the guy. Who instead of having a totally girly version of the necklace his was a bracelet.

"Sup." he nodded acting like he didn't really care if he was there or not.

"This is-" he barely got out when the short girl spoke

"I'm Katty, but I guess you already knew that." She said kinda giggly. I don't know what it is about her but I swear I know her but I cant place my finger on it.

"Well we are all ready to go then." Mr.Harris said grinning ear to ear. "Lets continue this family reunion in the limo."

"Family reunion?" Tommy asked.

"Well yeah, didn't you guys realize your brothers and sisters?" Mr. Harris asked.

"What!" I blurted with out thinking.

"I'll explain in the limo." Was his only reply.


"Okay well, you all are children of the deceased. Didn't you all wonder why there were four children and no adults?" Mr. Harris explained.

"It's true. I thought I lived with my dad and mom until I got the letter and my dad told me the truth. Well I guess my step dad." That Carly girl explained.

"That cant be true!" Katty yelled "I mean we don't even look alike." Now that I paid attention she was wrong. They all had some of the same qualities as me. Like our skin tones, we each had bright blonde hair except Carly.

"Just wait your uncle can explain." he said turning the key into the ignition.


We turned into a little street of houses. My mind was still racing from the news of my new family. When Mr. Harris spoke up. "Here we are, Rosewood manor."

The house was beautiful. It was almost as big as mine and that's saying something. You could tell whoever lived here had money and not because of the Porsche in the drive way.

"Charles they're here!" A skinny women said hopping out the door.

"Elena come down I'm coming." A middle age man said buttoning up his sleeve.

To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2014 ⏰

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