--Marilyn Hollow--

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Hello peoples! Name is Marilyn, y'all can call me Mari though. So, I'm not into this 'Act fancy because you're friends with royal people' business..I'll do whatever I want, whenever I want. Not a fan of waiting...Also, I'm always hungry :)

Color Of Eyes: Why should it
matter to you? Don't be a stalker! Ohhh wait, I was just told this was to help you understand...Um well they're blue.
Hair color: Brown
Personality: Hungry, Bored, Sarcastic (3 Words to describe me)
Hobbies: Eating, Sleeping, slaying my outfits, being a queen (not literally)
So yeah, that's enough about me. So i guess you guys can comment something about yourself..I probably won't read it but Blake will ..id put in an emoji but it takes to long to search for the right one so.. Goodbye peasants, I'm off to zoom in on random peoples faces to make me laugh.. BYE!
So this is for people who want to give me suggestions for people to play Marilyn Hollow!
She has blue eyes, brown hair, and can be any skin color 😘
Love ya bunnies ❤️🐰

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