The signs as things that have happened during band camp

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Aries: A bunch of people were marching without shoes on and for some reason they started trying to cover this kid's white T-shirt in their footprints?
Taurus: The band director tries desperately every year to make a 30-yard field goal totally and completely believing he'll make it every time. He never does.
Gemini: Two staff members having an intense, really heated argument over when we should take a popsicle break
Cancer: This conversation: "the rhythm is ta, ta ta, ta ta" "wait what are we doing with ta-tas?"
Leo: a raccoon was circling the field and a staff member threatened to fight it and nobody remembers it except for me and one other person
Virgo: a kid marched with a tire iron for an entire practice
Libra: there was a baby, but nobody knew whose baby it was
Scorpio: a staff member tried sitting on a water fountain and broke it oopsies
Sagittarius: Somebody's sheet music blew off of their stand outside and it just kept going up and we had to stop band camp for ten minutes just to watch it
Capricorn: once a kid walked through a glass window and had to go to the ER
Aquarius: once a year during practice, the saxophones all keep their mouthpieces and switch saxes between every song and call it "saxophone switch day"
Pisces: my brother was really nervous when he had to introduce himself on the first day, so he accidentally introduced himself as "Lauren's sister"

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