preference 1: your first date

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Joe: 5: You both went to the fair. It was cold so joe gave you his coat. You to went on all the rides and in all the haunted houses. One really scared and you jumped into his arms. You guys decide is getting late and decided to go home. It was a great night you look down at the picture you guys took in the photo booth and smile and get in the über.

Markipler:2: Mark wanted to do something special for your guys's first date. So he decided to take you up to his getaway in the woods. There were fairy lights up all over the place and it was the most beautiful thing you had every seen. You brought your Polaroid camera and you guys took lots of photos both Polaroid and digital. It was great you guys set up a picnic and ate. You lied with him till midnight talking and such. Then you both decided to sleep watching the starts.

Jacksepticeye:6: you both decided top go see saw 5: uncensored. You both screamed quite a few times and laughed at each other. You ended up holding hands through the last halfof the movie as you were doing so at the every end of the movie he leaned over and kisses you cheek. "Thanks for coming worth me tonight Y/N". "No problem! I had lots of fun" you say giving a peck on the cheek. You both said you goodbyes and went home.

Kian lawley:1: Kian decided to take you to a romantic spot where you can see the beautiful lights of the city. "This is beautiful" you said looking at the beautiful light. "Not as beautiful as you Y/N" he said smiling. You could feel the heat in your cheeks starting to grow. "Really?" you ask blushing. He just smiled. You guys just lasted there lookingat the beautiful lights of the city as you feel asleep on his chest.

Jovenshire :4: You and joven decided to go to your friends freak show in Hollywood. Your friend Y/F/N was the the puppet master. He was the ring master but always looked like a puppet. During the first act the bearded lady he grabbed your hand and held it tight. It was the last act, the three headed clown. You and joven both hate clowns the clown needed an assistant and picked you. He put you in A saw box and started to saw through and the clown leaned down and whispered "scream for mercie" than started to move the saw back and forth. He winked wich you took ad the sign to start screaming. Game blood started pouring out of the box until he was completely through the box. He moved the two party's for the audience to see what was inside. The audience gasped ad game organs spilled onto the floor, but little did they know you had your knees pulled up to your chest atuo the saw didn't hurt you. As you lie in the box pretending to be dead you heard screams the clown screamed and laughed carousing every one to look at him then pulled me out of the box. The crowd cheered. Then when the show was finally over you kissed him on the cheek and both said bye

Lasercorn: 3: You and David went to the lake and had a picnic aside ever up p sleeping under the willow tree

Sorry for not updating so here's an extra long chapter for you raccoons

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