Chapter 1//Coincidences.

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How did we met? The precise moment, I don't remember, but I remember when we stared to talk.
It was January 2014, 2 years ago.
I was stalking people on social media like I normally did back then and then I came across your profile.
I did know who you were.
You are the little brother of my cousin s boyfriend, and thats why I clicked the "follow" button.
Thats how it all stared.
I checked all your posts, I was probably bored, and I came across your phone number, and till this day I still wonder why you posted it on social media.
I instantly added you, but I didn't message you, not yet, wasn't ready.
I forgot about, well at least for a month.
It was not until New Years eve, that I said to myself that I needed more guy friends.
And I remembered about you, Derek.
I took my phone and searched your number, at that time I didn't had you saved with any emojis, just plain "Derek Green". I planned for about 5 minutes how to start a conversation without sounding like a stalker.
Then I don't know why, but I send "Hi".
That moment changed my life (well at least my high school life).
5 minutes later you replied with a "Hi, how did you got my number?", and I don't know why but I replied with the truth " I got it from your instagram, I hope this doesn't sound weird".
I didn't had any idea of with who I was messing with, I didn't had any idea that this guy "Derek Green" that I send a message a day before Winter Break was over, was going to change me so much as a person. Damn Derek, Why?

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