Chapter 1

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There were many thoughts running through my head when I saw those policemen standing in the entryway of me and Taylor's new house. We had just moved in, we had just decided to try our relationship again. And now tragedy must've struck. I worried someone was injured or worse. I was concerned that there may have been robberies in the neighborhood and that maybe we had jumped the gun on this house.
Being grabbed by one of the officers and having my arms pulled forcefully behind my back, had not been something I was prepared for.
"Amelia Lincoln," the officer said, ignoring Taylor's warnings that I was pregnant. He pulled my arms more and placed handcuffs on my wrists. "You're under arrest..."
"Under arrest?" I couldn't believe it. "For what?"
"Aggravated assault, attempted murder, robbery," he said.
I laughed both out of fear and because of the absurdity of it, "I'm sixth months pregnant, I haven't done any of those things."
"There's been a warrant out for your arrest for a while," the other officer piped in. "Since I started on the force. Wasn't it our lucky day we received a tip that you were back in town?"
My eyes widened and met Taylor's. He was trying hard to hold it together but we both knew this had to do with Mitch. He had found out I was back in Tulsa. I cursed the Internet. And now I was being arrested for assaulting him the night I took off to New York. The last night he had tried to rape me, but Taylor and Isaac had stopped him. Hit him over the head with something, and up until that day I still hadn't known what it was that had knocked him out long enough for us to get away.
Ike had warned me about this the next time I had seen them. I had thought enough time would've passed. I figured most people wouldn't even have realized it. Other than that incident at the restaurant over a month ago, no one had paid us any attention. The people of Tulsa were used to Hanson by now. They usually minded their own when it came to them. So how did Mitch find out I was back?
The officer read me my rights, before yanking me forcefully toward the door.
"She's fucking pregnant," Taylor repeated angrily. I shot Taylor a look and he softened his tone. "Can you guys be a little more careful?"
The first officer seemed a little more sympathetic and undid the cuffs so he could redo them in front of me, instead of behind my back.
Taylor followed us out the door. The neighbors had gathered out in their lawns to see what the fuss was about. I could see them talking but couldn't hear what they were saying. This was definitely a great first impression to be making on the neighborhood.
"I'm calling my lawyer," Taylor told me as they put me in the back of the car. "Whatever the bond is, I'll have you out of there by this afternoon I promise."
I just nodded. I couldn't speak. If I had tried to form words, I would've ended up sobbing and I didn't want to do that right there.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you, too," I managed to say after swallowing hard over the lump in my throat.
The officer slammed the door shut after I was sitting inside. I made eye contact with Taylor one more time before the car drove off. Those same eyes I had looked into when I was 16 sitting in the back of a similar police car. I felt just as scared and vulnerable as I did back then. I glanced at him one more time as we pulled away. He was already on the phone, walking back into the house. The neighbors were still standing around talking amongst themselves, most likely gossiping about what that Hanson boy was doing with a criminal.
Suddenly, a horrible thought came into my mind.
"I'm not gonna have to see Mitch am I?" I blurted out.
"Mitchell Andrews?" The officer in the passenger seat asked after looking over his paperwork.
"Yes," I answered, holding my breath and biting my lower lip.
"Not today," he answered and I exhaled in relief. "But if this goes to trial, probably."
I didn't respond. A trial? Would it really have to go that far? If it did would I end up in prison? Would my baby be born in prison?
I couldn't hold it together any longer and broke down crying. I buried my face in my handcuffed hands and bawled. I couldn't see any scenario where this would work out in my favor.

The police station looked almost the same as it had 15 years prior. Some technological upgrades had been made and the walls were painted a different color but it still looked the same. Maybe all police stations looked the same, I didn't know. After booking me and fingerprinting me, a new experience from the last time I was there, they took me to an interview room. The same interview room I had been held in for hours as a teenager.
The finally removed the handcuffs, and I rubbed my wrists where they were.
"Can I get you anything to drink?" the nicer officer asked.
"A water would be nice," I said, hoarsely.
He half smiled and they both left the room. He quickly returned with a bottle of water.
"Detective Franklin will be in in a few minutes," he said.
"She's still here?" I asked, before taking a sip of the water.
"Yes ma'am," he said, on his way out the door. "She's been our head detective since Jenkins retired."
Well, that was one relief, at least I didn't have to see him again. And Detective Franklin had kind of been on my side last time. I wasn't naive enough to believe people couldn't change though. A lot of time had passed, she might not even have remembered me.
There was a knock on the door and I inhaled as I waited for Detective Franklin to enter. Only she didn't, it was a man I didn't recognize.
"Hi," he said with a smile. "I'm Alan Weinstein. Mr. Hanson has retained me to be your attorney."
I exhaled and shook the hand he extended to me.
"I'll need to know what happened that night," he said, sitting down next to me. "Just give me the cliff notes version for now, I'll ask you some follow up questions,  and we'll go over all the rest of the sordid details when we get you out of here."
"Will I be able to go home this afternoon?" I asked, hopefully.
"You should," he said. "Unless someone really has it out for you, but I wouldn't worry about that. You haven't lived in Tulsa long enough to make enemies this high up if I heard correctly?"
"You did," I replied. "I've only been here a couple of months. I haven't even had time to make new friends let alone enemies."
"Well, it's my experience it's easier to make enemies then friends," he responded. "But i don't think that's the case here. Now cliff notes?"
I sighed, "Mitch raped me most of my preteen to mid teenage years. At 16 I ran away from his house. Made it to Tulsa, met Taylor - Mr. Hanson. He helped me until Mitch found me. The officers wouldn't listen to me, and made me leave with him again. He tried to rape me in the car and Taylor and Isaac had followed us. They stopped him from raping me again. Then they helped me leave the state. That's the gist of it really."
"So you aren't the one who attacked him?"
"No but I don't want Taylor and Ike getting in trouble for this," I quickly said. "They were just helping me. No one can know they were involved."
"They'd be key witnesses to an attack on you," he said. "That could be very helpful to your case."
"No!" I said. "Just say it was self defense. I'm not letting them get in trouble because of me."
"Ms. Lincoln. Amelia," he said. "You need them to -"
"I said no! Drop it."
He held his hands up in defeat, "Okay. I'll let it go. It'll be much harder to prove it was self defense but if the jury is sympathetic -"
"You think this is gonna go to a trial?" I asked, chewing on my fingernails nervously.
"Unless you take a plea deal," he said. "But we'll discuss that if they offer one."
I nodded, but his answer didn't bring me any comfort.
"You being pregnant works to our advantage a little bit," he said. "Mr. Hanson's baby, I presume?"
"Yes," I answered, rubbing my stomach. "It's a boy."
"Mozoltov," he said nonchalantly, as he went over his paperwork.
"So you reported the rape to the Tulsa PD after they picked you up?"
"Yes. They didn't listen. Well, Detective Franklin tried but Detective Jenkins wanted no part of it."
He simply nodded, as he jotted notes down on a yellow legal pad.
A few more minutes passed before he spoke again to ask me more questions.
I was just about to answer one of his questions when there was a knock on the door. Mr. Weinstein advised me to keep my mouth closed unless he said it was okay and Detective Franklin walked in.
"Ms. Lincoln," she said, joining us at the table. "It's been a very long time."

Author's note:

In all of the charges Amelia is being arrested for, I realize the statute of limitations would have run out on all of them if this were real life. For fictional purposes, the statute of limitations does not apply here for these charges. 

Anyway, here's the first chapter of the last book of this series. Hope y'all like it, if not I tried lol ;)

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