what do i do now?

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Rarity's POV
Prism & I found fluttershy in a tree near the soccer field. Fluttershy, darling that was a bit out of characters for you, don't you think? I know and I'm sorry fluttershy whispers. You shouldn't be telling us sorry, you should tell rainbow that I inquire. Yeah, you're right, there is no sense in hiding it. I love her and I'm proud of that I yell quitely while jumping out of the tree.
Fluttershy's POV
Once I'm out of the tree, I hug prism and rarity. Could you tell rainbow dash to meet me out by the soccer field when you guys get back. Of course, darling.Rarity says before giving me another hug. I hope this goes well. Prism hugs me before walking off to the cafeteria. I start to worry again, what if rainbow loves spitfire too much to break up with her and go out with me?, what if she doesn't like me back?, what would happen to our friendship, I mean we have been best friends for as long as I could remember. My thoughts were interupted by the rainbow haired Angel herself.

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