Its Good to be Back

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"Yup got it. Got that. Mabel, why would I need a glue gun? I don't think I'm going to glue sequins on the goat. Ha ha, you're still the same old Mabel. I'll see you in a week or so, Bye! Uh, I love u too, Bye." Were 16 years old now and she still acts 13. But she's the best sister a brother could have.
I can't believe I'm finally going back to Gravity Falls. Ill be able to see Grunkle Stan and Uncle Ford. They'll tell me about their awesome adventures and all the cool stuff they found on there Journey out on the sea. I'll be able to see Sus and...Windy. I still can't believe I had a crush on her when I was at Gravity Falls. I was pretty stupid as a kid. And I finally get to read all 3 of the journals! I'll be back and ready to solve a mystery. It was nice of Uncle Ford to let me keep the 3rd one.
The bus had finally arrived. "Last bus to Gravity Falls" the bus driver said. I handed him my ticket and took a seat in the back. I put my luggage to one side of me on the ground and my backpack on the set. I opened it and pulled out Windy's hat, took out the piece of folded paper in side it and opened it. It was the leader she gave me with her hat the day I left. I looked at all the names on it and thought of all the adventures I had with them. I then put the letter in my pocket and put on Windy's hat. I was so excited to see everyone one again!
After an hour being on the bus I feel asleep. But I was woken up by a big bump that we hit in the road. Once I got scared form being woken up I looked around to see where I was. As I looked I saw to the left of me a bit further a big sign. I knew that was the sign. The sign that I first saw when I was 13 years old for my summer vacation. The sign that says Welcome to Gravity Falls. I was here! I'm back! It was starting to get dark so it was hard to see all of the restaurants, bars, and stores that I saw so long ago. But from what I could see, every thing was the same. "Sir! U can stop here." I said the the bus driver. I started to pick up my things and get off the bus. As soon as I got off, there they were.
"Dipper!" They all said with a shout. "Grunkle Stan!", "Hay kiddo! Wow, your not a shrimp anymore! Your growing up and becoming strong like ur old man.", "Oh Grunkle Stan" I chuckled. " Great Uncle Ford!", "Dipper my boy! It's wonderful to have you back. Now I finally have someone that's smart to talk too again." I laugh a bit. "Hay what's up Dip", "Sus!", "Wow your so much taller Dipper. You've really grown." After I got lots of complements of how I have grown, I asked Stan and Ford about there adventures on the sea. They found many Alien artifacts and some odd species. Uncle Ford said that He thinks there was just a space ship they landed somewhere in the sea like in Gravity falls. But as soon as they knew that me a Mabel were visiting for a few days. They just had too see us again. Plus, they needed a bit of time to get away from all of it and come back home. I asked how Sus was doing running the Mystery Shack and he said that it couldn't be any different from when Stan was running it. Plus he still had Windy working there. As soon as Sus said Windy, I realized she wasn't there. "Hay where's Windy?"I asked, "Oh, she's at the shack cleaning your bed room". "Come on Grunkle Stan, why'd you have to make her clean it. I could have cleaned it myself." "I didn't tell her to, she insisted. She said she want to meet u at the shack in stead of the bus stop for some reason. Well why don't we head to the shack so you can meet up with her." Grunkle Stan said as him and Ford grabbed my stuff and carried it to the car. It seems weird of Windy to do something like that. But I guess she did for some important reason. Maybe she did it just because I was back in Gravity Falls?

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