Ch. 1 Father Pete

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Father Pete        

                Everything that could have possibly have gone wrong has. I can’t even begin to describe how this has affected me. I almost find myself being swallowed in its dark cesspools of eternal pain and suffering and I find myself doubting so many things. What’s real, what isn’t? Who was I, who am I now? Is there a god? So many questions and I know I shouldn’t be thinking like this, but can I be blamed for it? I do my best to try and supress it, keep it in what I would like to call an impenetrable cell, but there couldn’t be a more ironic name. Each and every time I find myself alone in a quiet corner they come flooding back like an untameable river. Even now I can feel its walls eroding in my head, waiting for any moment of weakness to release its insatiable hunger.

                The first time it escaped was on the day of the attack. The chaos was its build up, but it didn’t escape until we were hiding in that small restaurant. What was its name, oh that’s right Habibs. We cowered underneath its circular counter and listened to the pure essence of chaos. It wasn’t like a normal sound, no it was more like a piercing shriek, something that could bore into your mind and rip it open from the inside. I tried to cover my ears with anything I could get my hands on, but instead I settled on completely enveloping my head with a jumper. It only made things worse, rather than blocking out the sound, I was immersed in darkness my only company was that horrible shriek and within the confines of my mind it took form. It was a horrible grotesque presence that seemed to be a manifestation of all my fears in a loose fitted body sewn out of the darkness. It climbed out of the hole it was born from and extended its arm towards me calling to me and within my mind there was another battle, one that I was slowly losing. I tried to run and hide, but how can one successfully do that from something that was born of you? I gave up on running fairly quickly, so instead I tried to block it out with pleasant warm thoughts, but that only slowed him down.  Every time I put up a barrier he just reached his black swollen hand through it slowly pulling it open to reveal his almost skeletal face. It was terrifying and when I had almost completely given up on hope, he was gone and then all there was…was a tranquil emptiness. I could still feel him within me, but I found that he was somehow restrained, somewhere outside of my sight.

                It was unusual and it took me a moment to actually process what had actually happened, but when I finally figured out he was gone I awoke. However, it wasn’t like waking from a sleep, no this was more laboured. It felt like I had forced my way out of a trance and for a moment my body resisted, but then my eyes burst open and I was greeted with a greyish darkness. I looked up to see a huge hole in the roof of what I assumed to be Habibs, the room was layered with dust and there were large piles of debris everywhere.  It was truly an ominous setting, like an eerie calm had settled in on the world. I looked over to my right and saw a heavy fog running off the surface of the water spreading its ghost like fingers out, surrounding the bay. There was an ominous presence radiating off of whatever was within, as if there was some lost memory trapped just behind its veil. I found that whatever it was I didn’t want to admit it to myself and I tried to shift away from it and as I moved I felt a excessive weight pushing down on my chest. I looked down on me and my eyes went wide with the terror of a realization.

                I was buried from my neck down in what looked like a scene from a horror movie. I could feel my body suddenly go into an internal war, with my mind being unable to keep up with all the different sensations that were flooding my nerves. I could feel all the different sensations lighting up my skin as it harshly started to rub up against so many unknown items. My body was trapped in a sensation of vibrations as the different levels of grief flooded all my senses. My mind was slipping, the world was spinning out of my control and I was losing touch with my surroundings.

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