Chapter 1

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I always thought to myself.. Always... I wasn't the loner girl. I had friends. I was just the mysterious one. I'm Maya by the way.

I was at the mall with all of my YouTube friends. Thank god that the mall had Taco Bell. I sat down and looked over. "He's so cute, look at his hair. His eyes. His smile. His face... oh shoot, He's coming. What do I do? Stop, look away. Pretend like you were just drinking your Baja blast." I thought.

"Hey" He says to me.

Wait, did I mention he was one of my Bestest Friends? Well, he is. His name is...Jack. If I ever told him... It wouldn't ever be the same.

"Hi!" I say like I just noticed him in excitement.

"You guys wanna go already?" He tells everyone.

"LEAVE? We just got here!" my friend, Jenn says.

"YEA!!!!!! IM HUNGERYYY" My other friend Zo says frowning at Jack.

"Fine, let's get it to go, I really wanna go shopping already" He says while leaving.

Everybody follows. We eat while walking around the mall because we all love Taco bell. Jack and I walk together. I don't know. This felling when I walk with him.. I feel like I can tell him anything.

While I walked with Jack, my friends are behind us taking pictures. And how would I know? I checked twitter and saw, "The best of friends" by one of my friends Jc Caylen. . I look back and laugh. I look in front of me and I see my other friends, who are a couple, Kian and Andrea. Or as we like to say Kiandrea.

At that point it felt like I was either in a book or movie thinking that by the end we'll live "happily ever after". Please. I Don't believe in that. Wait. Yea I do, what am I talking about I'm just a narration of myself...

Jack and I walk past Aeropostale and laugh so hard I spit my starbucks.

After I start talking to Jack I completly erase every negative thought from my head, of course, I do that with any of my friends and just.. we.. live. We're teenagers. of couse well do crazy illegal things together. Well, maybe not.

My friends, Jc, Ricky, Connor, Sam, Kian, Trevor, Anthony, take Jack to go buy their own stuff. While my girl friends and I are buying OUR STUFF! We meet up by the water fountain in the center of the mall. We see 13 year old passing by wearing UGGS.. in the middlle of the summer. So Jack and i take a picture of them. When we were, again, walking through the mall we finish our shopping and so we head to starbucks for the ..third.. time of the day. We get in Kian's "rented" white huge van. Its funny because he rented it for halloween last year and found it a week later.

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