➳ Chapter Twenty

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It's been two days of Sherlock wallowing in self-pity around the flat. He just walks around in his cozy little sheet and although you find it amusing, you're concerned about what's going through his head.

"Sherlock," you say softly, sitting on the edge of the bed where he's laying on his stomach with his cheek on the mattress.

"What?" he mutters.

"You know you can't just stay in here until John and Mary get back from their honeymoon, right?"

"I can and I will," he states.

"They'll be gone for a month, Sherlock. You need to get back to work. People need us," you say.

"No they don't."

You sigh and start standing up. "I'm calling your mother."

"No!" Sherlock exclaims, grabbing your wrist. "It's not that I miss John, I just know he won't be there for me like usual."

You sit down and reach over to run your fingers through his hair. "What do you mean?"

Sherlock sighs and sits up, turning so he's leaning against the headboard. "It's just nice to know that I could call or text him and he would be there instantly. We can't do that now that he has Mary and the baby."

"Trust me, John will always come running when you call. He's your best friend and nothing will change that. How many times do I have to repeat it?" you ask.

"Maybe once more."

"There will be some differences, yes, but the foundation of your friendship won't be different. There will still be adventures and danger, I promise. But for now, you're stuck with just me."

Sherlock grins. "Maybe being stuck with you isn't so bad, I guess. We'll certainly get things done quicker."

"Yes, we will. Now get dressed. We have a double homicide to investigate."

"Yes!" Sherlock shouts, jumping from the bed and throwing on his clothes.

Yeah, he'll be just fine.


You and Sherlock laugh as you walk down the street after a record day of solving cases and insulting Scotland Yard, besides Lestrade of course.

"We should just take over Scotland Yard at this point. We solve their cases anyway," you stifle out between laughs.

"Might as well. We can make Anderson and Donovan bring us tea all day," Sherlock replies.

It's getting close to ten o'clock and the streets are abandoned besides the lamps that light up the way back to the flat.

"We should start making them pay us. I mean, your brother pays me a lot of money, but a little extra is always nice," you suggest.

"Maybe, but you know I do this for fun," he replies.

"Making money and having fun. Sounds perfect."

You both chuckle and Sherlock grows more serious.

"Are you really okay with us always doing this?" he asks.

"What's that supposed to mean?" you questions.

"I mean solving crimes everyday for the rest of our lives."

"If it's with you, then hell yeah," you respond.


"This may come as a surprise to you, Sherlock, but you're my best friend. I'd go anywhere and do anything as long as you're by my side."

Sherlock is quiet for a moment before replying. "You know you're my best friend, too, right?"

"John's your best friend. I'm your girlfriend," you correct.

"Yes, those are both true, but you're also my best friend. We do everything friends do and more, with one exception."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Roll around naked together," you chuckle, but Sherlock doesn't seem to find it amusing.

He stops walking, causing you to halt in your steps. You look up at him with a confused expression.

"I love you, (Y/N). Friends don't fall in love with each other."

Your eyes widen, but you somehow manage to respond.
"I love you, too, Sherlock. Always have."

Sherlock gives you that dazzling smile and cups your face with his hands before swooping down for your lips.

One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up instead of what they have to gain. Sherlock realized later than he would like to admit that this change with John, Mary, and the baby may not be so bad.

Today when the two of you ran all around London solving the crimes Scotland Yard couldn't, you both had the most fun you've ever had. Sherlock realized in this time that he could cope with not always having John available because you would be there to make him laugh, to make him feel, and to love him.

But what amazes Sherlock the most about everything, about the first time he met you, was that you accepted him for all his crazy ways and his crazy thoughts. He saw that you loved his deductions and his weird habits. Not even John accepted all of it.

Sherlock now promises to let times change and go with it. Everyone is growing up and moving on to bigger and better things. But one thing that he knows will never change are his feelings about you.

You've pulled him from the darkness and given him the light he thought he would never see. The most important part is that you had your own darkness that you pushed aside for him, and damn, for the rest of his life, he vows to repay you.

Screw the drugs, he never thinks about them anymore. He doesn't think about lighting up a cigarette or his seven percent bullshit. You're a better addiction than all of them.

In conclusion, you've both learned something: change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end.

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