Head down the stairs I here the.
Bus honk as I head out I tell my.
Mom bye she waves back as I go up the stairs I can here the sound of teenagers saying it was good that Bridget died many boys said that they have slept with her and that she would give them the time of their lives. She would play games with them for money.
One boy said that she has gave them AIDS as I heard them talking about her my anger was coming out. I got up and punched him in the face he punched me as I fell to the ground kids started to laugh. A girl named Emma picked me up and said it's OK I'm Emma what's you're name I said Jason she said hi Jason. the bus stopped at school as I head to class I see a girl named. Emily who wink at me she ran up to me and said you were Bridget's boyfriend right? I just stared and left. The bell rang and we were all in class the teacher Mrs.Baker said I know you guys are talking about Bridget West she is gone but in our hearts as she was speaking I saw this weird creature with big yellow eyes I rub my eyes I see the creature still their I get scared and scream I throw my chair and my desk mrs.Baker said Jason are you alright? I ran out of the room. I went to the principal's office I called my mom and she came to pick me up.