Rent Problems

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Lucy's POV

"Open up,NOW!" A voice shouted from outside my bedroom door. I rubbed my eyes. It was 9:04 in the morning,who could be at my door? Since I was still a bit drowsy,I couldn't make out whose voice it was. I put on my pink bunny slippers and headed to the door.

"Yes???" I asked,my eyes half closed.

"Where. Is. The. Rent. Money?!" The Landlady yelled,practically roaring in my face. My eyes jolted open. The rent money! No! I had spent it on a new bathing suit!

"Um...about that.." I mumbled nervously. She looked at me with a horrifying glare that made me mentally yelp.

"If I don't have my rent money by next week,you will be kicked out of this house! Get to work on bringing me that rent money,I'll come and get it." She snapped,slamming my bedroom door in my face and shortly there after,the front door as well.

In panic,I slipped on a pink tank top and a yellowish skirt. I arranged a small portion of my hair into a side mini ponytail,while the rest lay on my back. I ran out of the door and headed to the guild.

My rent money! I need rent money!

Mostly everyone was already at the guild. Natsu and Gray were fighting while Juvia admired him in the distance. Then Gray just randomly stripped during the fight. I swear Gray will get arrested for public nudity if he keeps on stripping out of nowhere...

Then Erza comes and give them both death glares that turns Gray and Natsu into Happy #2

I walked to the job request board and stared intently,looking for an easy job with a high pay.

-Taking down a dark guild

-Bringing back a lost jewel

-Getting rid of loud apes

There were so many jobs to choose from!

"Oi,Lucy!" Natsu said,greeting me with his usual toothy grin.

"Hi,Natsu!" I said with a smile. He looked at the request board.

"You tryna get a job?" He asked. I sighed.

"I need my rent money. The Landlady needs it by next week." I said with an over exaggerated sigh. "But none of these are right for me."

"How about this? 'Scare all these wolves away from our town,they have been injuring citizens and scaring the children.
Reward: As much as you'd like!' Whoa,sounds good ,huh ,Luce?" He asked,pointing to a paper. "I'll come with ya!"

"That sounds great!" I said with a relieved smile.

"I wanna come too." Gray said,his hands stuffed in his...

I'd like to say pockets,but he had stripped down to his boxers again.

"Gray. Clothes." Erza said,her arms folded across her chest. He gasped and changed quickly. "So what's this about a mission?"

"Luce needs her rent money because she's poor!" Natsu said.

"Aye!" Happy agreed with a nod of his head.

"Shut up!" I said,smacking Natsu on the arm lightly. Erza examined the paper.

"Hm,as much as you'd like"? They must be desperate. Well,I suppose I'll join too." Erza said with a sly smirk.

"I-I'd like to come too!" Wendy chimed in, Carla sitting on her head.

"Of course you can come!" I told her.

"Alright,let's go!" Natsu said,cracking his knuckles. "I can't wait to beat up some wolves."

"Mira,we'll take this one." I said,handing her the request. She
nods and just smiles.

"Ok. Be safe!" Mira says before we run out.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter FairiesRcoming & I have worked hard on it so please vote, follow @FairiesRcoming on watt pad and leave comments & suggestions 

This is my first story on Wattpad so tell me if u like this story or not

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