Train Rides And Wolves

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Lucy's POV

We arrived at the train station to get to the town quicker,but obviously,someone had their doubts about it.

"Please can we just walk I don't want to go on that!!!" Natsu whined. I sighed and face palmed.

"If we walk it will take us 5 hours. The train will only take one." Erza remarked

"Finnnneeeeeee!" Natsu said with a fake pout.

"Stop whining Flame Brain. It's annoying." Gray muttered,causing Natsu to snap his head towards Gray in rage.

"What'd u say, Popsicle?!" Natsu yelled,butting heads with Gray.

"You heard me, you stupid idiot!" Gray yelled back.

Then one of their pointless fights started, but it stops immediately after Erza sent one of her death glares to them. I shivered. Erza was scary.

"Stop this." Erza commanded,a black aura glowing from her. I gulped.

"Aye! We're best friends!" The both of them say simultaneously. I smile to myself. They sure are strange. Happy number 2 is back again.

"Natsu-San and Gray-San are funny." Wendy said with her innocent smile. I giggled and pat her on the back.

"Agreed." I said.

"Aye!" Happy said,flying above our heads.

After a few minutes of waiting, the train finally arrives.

Once we get in, the train starts moving. At first,Natsu had no reaction,and I began to think that maybe he's gotten over his motion sickness! But, of course not. His face began to turn green and he slumped in his seat,covering his mouth.

"I need help!" Natsu yelled. I giggled.

"I-I'll use Troia on you, if you'd like!" Wendy said.

"No,Wendy,you can't keep using Troia on him,or it'll weaken,remember?" Carla said,stopping her. She pouted and sighed.

"Sorry,Natsu-San." She said with a guilty smile.

"'s..alright.." Natsu replied,almost hurling again.

"Oi,oi,don't you dare throw up on me,Flame Brain!" Gray yelled,pushing Natsu away from him.

"Wh-What'd you just say...Stripp...errrughhh..." Natsu said,groaning from his motion sickness. We all giggled. He lay his back against the seat next to me,sweat all over his forehead. "Luce, can I sleep on your lap?" He asked.

"Wh-wha?!" I asked,turning a bit pink. He groaned again and his head fell into my lap. Erza and Gray looked at me with smirks.

"You liiiiiike him." Everyone said,rolling their tongues. I yelp in embarrassment and cover my face. I looked down at Natsu who had fallen asleep. When he was sleeping,he could be pretty cute. I stroked his spiky pink hair and smiled.

~~~Time skip one hour later ~~~

"We're finally here!" Natsu yelled as he jumped off the train. "Oh sweet, sweet ground, I will never leave u again!" He exclaimed, kissing the ground. Everyone giggled at Natsu's enthusiasm, even Erza.

"Ok now let's get to the clients house!" I said with a determined glint in my eyes.

"AYE!!" Everyone responds.


We got to the village that posted up the request. It was a big village that covered lots of land but we barely saw anyone in the open.
We went to the chief's house and requested to go in.

"Are you the Wizards that are willing to help me with the wolves?" The chief asked, pouring us some tea.

"Yes we are mages from Fairy Tail." Erza said.

We showed our Guild marks and the chief nodded.

"Ok as you know there are wild crazy wolves in the forests that always come to our village to trash the place and kill our men and women. Our defense was to fend them off. So we need your help to kill those wild wolves so no more of our people will die from them." He explained.

They must be really powerful wolves because there was a HUGE gate with archers and mages on top when we came in. We sweat dropped at the thought of the wolves breaking the huge gate down and surviving the defence.

"We have extra village houses that u can stay in for the night because it's a bit late so your job starts tomorrow." He said.

"Now get some sleep everyone." The chief shooed us off.

We got our separate rooms except for the dragon slayers. They shared their house with their exceeds.

"See ya tomorrow Luce!" Natsu says while showing his toothy grin. I turn pink and my heartbeat speeds up. What is this feeling I'm getting? I just shook the thought off and head back to my house and sleep.


When I woke up I smelt a great aroma and saw breakfast on my table. I quickly brushed my teeth and ate my food. Once I was done, I met up with the others and it seemed like they were already awake. Every Natsu woke up before me and that surprised me because Natsu is a VERY heavy sleeper,seeing as Natsu is always sleeping on my bed at home.

"Hey Lucy!" They all greeted me.

"Good morning guys!" I responded.

Then the chief come out to talk to us.

"Hey u guys are all here! Today is whe-" he suddenly got cut off by a villager yelling.

"The wolves are here!" She yelled,tears in her eyes. "Everyone's being attacked!"

"Oh we better start our job now!" I said.

"THEN LET'S GO!" Erza yells.

"AYYYYEEE!!" We all replied.


Hope you enjoyed this new chapter! FairiesRComing & I are making a schedule of when we release our chapters starting next chapter. We will post a chapter every Sunday starting this Sunday!

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