Chapter 5

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^^^this is Dian if you wanted to know how he looks like


I grabbed my phone and called the ambulance,I gave them the adress and they told me to stay here and wait for them. After my phone call,I opened the car door and I saw unconsiounus Gray just laying there. I hope the ambulance will come soon.

Just as I thought that to myself,I heard sirenes coming closer and closer. The ambulance came and paramedics runned to the crashed cars. I saw Grayson laying on an ambulance trolley and I ran towards the paramedics. "Can I come with him?" I asked starring at Grayson.

"Only family can come,ma'am." a young lady said with a blank expresion on her face. Cold bitch.

"But I don't know his family,I'm his friend." I practically yelled.

"Fine. Hurry up!" I jumped in the vehicle and we drove off to the hospital.

***hour later***

I was waiting patiently in the waiting room when I heard footsteps coming my way. Grayson???

"Where is Grayson?" a guy looking like Gray asked.

"In there." I pointed to the big white doors. "I'm Vita,Grayson's friend." I reached my hand out.

"So you are the girl that Gray supposed to meet with. I'm Ethan,Grayson's brother." he shook my hand. I just blushed.
"Did the doctor say anything?" he asked.

Just as he asked that,the doctor came. "Dolan?" We nodded. "He is going to be OK,there is no inside bleeding or brain concusion. You can see him now." the doctor said with a big smile on his face. We thanked him and rushed to Gray's room.

Grayson's POV

I heard the door open. I looked up and saw Ethan and Vita.

"Hey guys,wassup?" I said jokingly.

"Gray,we were so worried." Vita said. "Yeah." Ethan comfirmed.

"You don't have to be,I'm fine. I can go home in an hour." Vita sat on my bed and took my hand into hers. I felt her warm touch and that sent me chills to my spine so I shivered a bit.

"Are you cold?" she asked standing up and walking to the door.

"No,no,I'm fine." I stared at her plump pink lips and her beautiful dark eyes. She caught me starring and she started to blush. I think I like her.

Vita's POV

I stared at his slightly chopped lips,his messy hair and his big hazel eyes. He caught me starring so I looked down at his bed. My cheeks started to heat up. I think I like him.

A/N Here is chapter 5,short but cute. Vote if you liked it.

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