Chapter 1

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Authors Note: This is my first ever Fanfiction so feel free to tell me if it is rubbish :)

Merlin's POV

The sunlight shone through the the leaves onto the ground, lighting up the forest floor. I continued walking, apple in hand, wanting to make it to the border before mid day. My mother had told me not to go anywhere near Camelot but me being 17 summers now, I think I can venture slightly further. This was in fact the third day that I had walked along this path and I had seen no sign of the knights in red.                                         

Ahead of me I could see the tall oak tree that marked the division between the two kingdoms. As I neared it I began to make out the rough texture of the bark, the way the ivy clung onto it's home, refusing to leave. The birds sat in the branches of the grand tree, chirping away merrily without a care in the world. My eyes lit up as I saw a family of rabbits hopping around the base of the oak. Nature always did hold a spot in my heart, especially animals. It was just so beautiful. Slowing my pace so as not to scare away the rabbits, I neared the tree. Before I could reach it however, a loud yelp came from above and the animals scattered.                                                                                   

The yelp was followed by a thud and a groan. Edging closer I could make out the shape of a leg from behind the tree. On instinct I rushed over to help whoever had fallen, even if they were a complete idiot for scaring away the animals.                                                                  

'Are you ok?!' I asked, concerned.
'I would be if that stupid branch hadn't broken from under me!' A fuming voice replied. I rounded the tree to find a boy, maybe 18 or 19 summers old, lying in a mess of limbs and leaves. He had a golden mop of hair and striking blue eyes that stared up at me in frustration. 
'Are you going to help me or not?!' Raged the boy who was obviously embarrassed at being caught falling out of a tree.
'Oh yes, sorry.' I replied before reaching for his hand. I pulled him up and muttered under my breath, 'No wonder that branch broke.'
'Did you just call me fat?!'
'No, I simply called you too heavy for one of the strongest types of trees.'
'You can't address me like that!' The boy fumed.
'You scared all the animals away so I think I can address you like that' I retorted. How arrogant is this person?
'Well then, I guess I will just have to use my heavy weight to my advantage.' I was suddenly tackled to the ground and I let out a surprised yelp.

Arthur's POV

I couldn't believe this peasant! Calling me, the prince, fat!  
'You can't address me like that!' I gaped at him.
'You scared all the animals away so I think I can address you like that' he replied mockingly. Great. This boy was also some nature loving hypocrite.
'Well then, I guess I will just have to use my heavy weight to my advantage.' I threw myself at his lanky frame and shock filled his ocean blue eyes. With a yelp he landed on his back and I began to laugh. He looked so flustered and a slow blush began to creep its way up his face, tinting his ears a shade of pink. I suddenly realised why. I was lying on top of him, my hands on either side of his head, our legs entwined together. Scrambling up quickly I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as well.
He got to his feet and tried to flatten down his black hair that contrasted with his pale complexion. Looking up at me he smiled a big goofy  grin that spread across his whole face. It was adorable. Wait, what?! That is no way for a prince to think about a peasant! I quickly banished the thought before it spread further through my mind.                                            

'Well, now we both look like idiots.' His words brought me back to the present and I smiled cockily,                   
'There is only one  idiot here and we both know who it is...' Before I could finish I was interrupted with a loud, 'YOU, obviously.' I shook my head and grinned before offering my hand out.                                             
'Arthur.' The boy took my hand and shook it.                        
'Merlin.' Was his reply.                                                              
'Well then, it's been nice meeting you Merlin' I said, emphasising the first syllable.                                              
'Nice to meet you too, Arthur.' He laughed and his whole face lit up like he had just heard the funniest thing in the world.                                          
'I hope to see you again sometime, how about tomorrow, this spot.' I suggested.                                                    
'That would be great!' Merlin replied eagerly, 'Just lay off the sausages for a while, we don't want another branch to break.'                                                                                   
'I am NOT fat!' I called after the bright-eyed boy. He shrugged before bursting into another fit of laughter. With that he disappeared into the trees, back into Cenred's Kingdom, the place I had been taught to fear my whole life...

A/N: Well, that was my first chapter, please comment what was good and bad on it (if anyone actually reads this!) and I will try and improve for next time. Also, the formatting may be a bit weird, I dunno how it will work out.

-Orla xx

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