I'm fine, But are YOU

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Ugh fucking fucking fuck. I'm so sorry I haven't updated In like forever my parents saw my scars and I have to see a stupid ass councillor now and gah im sorry! I keep making excuses to why I can't update and I feel awful but I really am trying my hardest so please just be patient with this story.

Anywhoooo.... there isn't any spanking in this chapter but it introduces an important part of the story and- blah I'm not giving any more away so read on my children!

.... To far?

Yeah, too far.


Nialls pov.

I sat down on the couch with a bowl of my favorite cereal and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I unlocked my phone and clicked on the twitter app, I bet there's some thing stupid and sexual trending. hell, there's awkward sexual
Things trending so I was expecting #MileysTwerkTeam (wasn't that an actual trend?) but what I wasn't expecting was the trend I seen next #GetRidOfNiall (only thing I could think of)

Tapping on the tag I started to scroll through some of the tweets. some of them were nice like:

@Tomlinshire what the hell? Niall is completely perfect in every single wAy


but the majority of them were 'Niall is fat and ugly and he should leave the band. he can't sing anyways'

I was used to hate by now but it still hurt and seeing this many people wanting to get rid of me... it was hard to still like yourself and not believe them.

Tears started to well up in my eyes and before I let one fall I got up from the couch and ran towards my room. I was halfway up the stairs when I heard the door close. zayn was home. I stopped for a second debating if I should go downstairs and pretend nothing happened but then I remembered all the mean tweets and went the rest of the way up the stairs,

Zayns pov

As I walked into the kitchen with my suitcase in hand, when i seen a hint of brunette and blonde hair scurrying up the stairs.

I felt a pang of hurt in my chest. I've been gone away in london for 8 days and he didn't even want to come downstairs and atleast say hi. Although I really didn't want to admit it. I've always had a soft spot for Niall. I just can't help it! hes like a baby fricken penguin!

"Zayn? mate you were out of it got a moment there," Louis stated.

"Wha? oh- y-yeah I'm alright man. do you know whee Niall is?" I asked,

Louis nodded. "up stairs I think. he mustn't of heard you come in, want me to go get him?" he asked,

"Nah man it's fine Im going upstairs anyway." I replied and headed in the direction of Nialls room.

Stopping in front of his door I knocked lightly on the wood. I waited a few moments hearing some shuffling around and a small 'come in'

I opened the door to see Niall sitting on his bed. tears were slowly trickling down his puffy red face and his hair was a mess. the poor boy looked like a complete wreck.

Moving over to the bed I engulfed him in a hug and he lent his head on my shoulder.

"Z-zayn...?" he asked meekly.

"Yeah Niall?"

"Do you think that i don't deserve to be in the band?"

"Oh... baby of course not! why in the world would you ever even think that!"

"Because I'm fat and ugly and I can't sing." he whimpered.

"Ni.. You and I both know that isn't true. What would ever make you think that."

"It's just... I've been getting so much hate lately..." he sighed.

I frowned. why did they always have to pick on my baby. why couldn't they judge me instead! he's already so broken. I don't know how anyone could possibly see a flaw in Niall or be able to live with themselves knowing they caused my baby pain.

"Babe c'mon, you can't keep listening to them and letting them define the way you see yourself. your deserve to be here just as much as harry, Liam, Louis, and me do." I told him.

"Your just saying that..."

"No Niall I mean it. your in this band for a reason."

"Thanks zayn. That means alot to me" he smiled.

I leaned closer and kissed his cheek lightly and a pink tiny instantly came to his cheeks.

I smiled again and looked down at our arm that were now linked.

I frowned after a bit,

"Niall... what are these marks.."


Cliffy!!! MUAHAHAHAHA. wow. I haven't evil laughed in a while. that felt gooood.

So sorry I don't ever update but I think I made up for it with ruining the long ass fluff with some good old cliffy drama!

Question of the day: what do you think those marks are? for all you know they could be a tattoo, cuts, cat scratches, sharpie ink, drug injection spots, bruises, hickies (yes arm hickies)

Just listing some of the many possible things it could be.. maybe I didn't even list the actual reason? who knowwssss

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