Avenged Sevenfold smutt

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A/N: This is pure smutt. This first story is Zacky and Johnny. This is my first story writing Johnny so please be nice. Enjoy!


Meet me under the mistletoe at half past midnight.

Johnny watched Zacky out of the corner of his eye during the whole interview. He fake pouted as the other members of the band teased him. 

"This next question is for Jonnny. Jane wants to know if it's hard being the shortest in the band?"

Johnny chuckled slightly. "It can be at times but you learn really fast to keep a step ladder near by or bribe someone to get what ever it is for me." 

Zacky chuckled and said. "I like to hide his ladder." 

Everyone in the room bust up laughing at that comment. 

"He gets so mad. He ends up looking like a sun burnt garden gnome." Matt choked out still laughing causeing everyone else to laugh harder. 

When the laughter calmed down a bit the reporter moved onto the next question as Johnny studied Zacky some more. He loved watching him chew on his lip rings when he was thinking. Zacks eyes drove Johnny nuts. The light green that seemed to almost see though him when others were around. Those lovely eyes didn't pass though him when they were alone though. The interview ended shortly after that and the band dispersed to the bus and then to the hotel room. Zacky and Johnny went back to their room telling Matt and Brian that they would be over in a bit. 

"Dude! I'm tired! We are on a break yet up at 7 to get ready for an interview. Fuck you I'm going to go take a nap!" Zacky whined to the guys and let himself into the room. 

"I gotta agree with crabby ass in there. I'm tired. See ya." Johnny said as he followed Zack into the room. 

"See ya short shit!" He heard Brian call right before the door shut. 

Walking into the bathroom Johnny pulled off his shirt and let it drop on the ground while peeling off his jeans. He wet his hands and ran them over his face and though his hair. Drying off he wandered back out of the bathroom only to be greated by the site of Zacky laying on his bed in his boxers. Johnny blushed bright red at the sight of the man that he found so very atrctive. Zacky made a "come here" motion at him and Johnny felt his feet move walking him toward Zacky with out his orders. He kneeled on the bed and make his way up to Zacky. Zack wraped an arm around him and pulled him close then kissed the tip of his nose gently. Johnny smiled slighty and followed Zacks mouth gently nibbling on his lip and then his left lipring. There was a soft moan from the older man as his rings were nibbled and sucked on. He slid his hands over Johnny's back his nails digging in slightly and he nipped the sweet spot where his neck and collerbone met. Johnny sighed and Zacky took over and shoved his tougne into Johnny's mouth. Johnny felt his dominance slip away as he became Zacky's little bitch. He felt himself being pushed onto his back. Johnny knew that this wasn't  going to be gentle like it normaly was. No Zacky was wound up from the interview. This was going to hurt. Zack slipped his hand into Johnny's boxers and grasped him. Slidding his hand up and down the bass players length Zack kissed his way down to Johnny's chest and started sucking and nipping on his nipples twisting the free one gently. Letting go of him compleatly Zack pulled Johnny's boxers down and threw them across the room then removed his own. Johnny arched into Zack's chest as one of his nipples was bitten hard. Zack blindly reached for the lube that he had placed on the nightstand. There was a thud as he knocked over the water that he had also set there. Grabbing the lub he put some on his hand and gently blew on it to warm it. Zack gently pushed a finger into Johnny then a second finger and third one streching him open gently.

Meet me under the mistletoe at half past midnight (boyXboy A7X)  ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now