evil twin || benny pt1

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" hi babe " i say and walk up to benny and give him a kiss. " hi babygirl , how about we skip , go back to my place and have some fun.he says.

" what's that about ? " i said. " what ? " " the skipping class. you're never the bad boy type "

" is it a good change babygirl ? " " hmm yes " i answered.

benny was acting weird today. he was saying things to make his sound like a jock and he is even dressing up like one. not that i don't like it , it just is different and i don't know why he's changing all of a sudden. does he think the old him is not good enough?

" i'll see you in 3rd hour bye " i say and leave. i wasn't actually going to class right away. i went to go find ethan , maybe he could help me.

" hey ethan " " hi y/n " " i need help " i say

" benny's acting weird. he's dressing up like a jock and talking like one " benny then walked up to me because where i was his next class was that direction.

" hi once again babygirl " he says and gives me a kiss on my cheek. i smile up at him.

" hey bro " he says to ethan and gives him a handshake. " okay well i have to go or i'll be late to class. bye y/n love you "

" love you too " i respond. " y/n i just had a vision. it was benny but someone who looked just like him. he looked evil. just like the one that's been walking around with you "

" i knew he was acting weird " i said " how do i get benny back " " i'm not so sure but we can find out " ethan says

1st period was now over and ethan and i were hiding around the corner waiting for benny to see if he was doing anything suspicious. we then saw him walk into a room and he looked around before he walked in.we rushed over to the door and put on ears on the door to try to hear something.

we heard a huff. then we heard " wow i'm doing a great job as playing as benny. y/n has no idea. oh fuck i'm good at this. no one will figure out that i'm the evil twin.we heard evil benny say and then he chuckled.

" holy shit " i whispered to ethan. " i really hope real benny is okay. " i said. " me too " ethan said

to be continued...

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